
Outdoor Fall Plumbing Tips from Poole’s Plumbing

The warmth of Summer officially gives way to the new Autumn season on Monday, September 23. With this seasonal change, the air slowly becomes brisker. Likewise, the days get shorter, too. Our Outdoor Fall Plumbing Tips can help you be prepared for the change in season.

Following up our initial “Indoor Fall Plumbing Tips” post, here are more easy tips that anyone can do. Just by keeping on top of things like these heading into Fall, you can avoid costly “surprises” moving into the Winter months.

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Simply making sure to disconnect any outdoor hoses can avoid many potential problems in the long run.

Water Hoses-Outdoor Fall Plumbing Tips

We can start our Outdoor Tips in a similar spot that we left off with our “Indoor Tips.” That would be around the area where our water hoses would be.

  • Disconnect…and avoid a deep freeze!– This is one of the simpler Outdoor Fall Plumbing Tips, as we just remind you to disconnect any outdoor hoses you may have. If these are left connected, the hoses could freeze. Obviously with a frozen and unconnected hose could come expansion. Thus, connected faucets or pipes that run indoors could freeze and break as a result of that expansion.

So, disconnecting all outdoor hoses can for sure be an easy way to avoid a not-so-easy situation.

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Check to be sure no outdoor faucets are leaking or dripping. This could lead to avoiding a flood later on.

Outside Faucets- Outdoor Fall Plumbing Tips

Much like the indoor faucets we discussed last post, a simple check on those outside can likewise help avoid catastrophe.

  • Avoid the Flood…Double Check for Leaks and Drips- Just check to be sure no outdoor faucets are leaking or dripping. If you see they are, be sure to tend to these repairs as soon as possible. If it is not a repair you can personally make, you will want to contact the Raleigh Plumbing professionals at Poole’s Plumbing.

Again, if there are no leaks, that is fantastic, however, if there are, you will want to contact Poole’s prior to temperatures having a chance to drop too low. Above all, you want to avoid a frozen pipe at all costs in this situation. Whether steel, plastic, or whatever the material, the pipes will crack if frozen and this could have pricey repercussions and could even lead to a flood.

  • Better Take Cover…or Make Sure of Coverage!- It is worth the time to go to a hardware or home store to get some type of insulation kit to make sure the outside faucets around your house are properly insulated. This helps you to avoid the exact problems discussed with our past two Outdoor Fall Plumbing Tips above.

Your attention to keep downspouts clear can avoid them freezing up as temperatures sink.

Downspouts and Gutters-

  • Down with Debris…Keep Spouts and Gutters Clean!- What most consider one of the most obvious of our Outdoor Fall Plumbing Tips. Furthermore, just clear all leaves and any other debris from your downspouts and gutters. If left unattended and then water starts freezing, it could get real messy if these are not cleared by the time it thaws.

Removal of any debris for downspouts and gutters before thawing time will no question help to avoid a Fall Plumbing disaster.

Outdoors and Indoors…You’re Covered.

Between this and our previous post, we’ve offered up many Fall Plumbing Tips. If followed correctly, these should take almost no time at all. In addition, avoiding a major plumbing accident, that could be costly, is well worth that little time to invest.

If you do have further questions on any of our tips or need repairs done, contact us at poolesplumbing.com.

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Indoor Fall Plumbing Tips from Poole’s Plumbing

As the warmer weather of Summer slowly dips heading into the new season, there are many precautions you can take to avoid unneeded plumbing situations. While even the thought of “doing your own plumbing” seems preposterous, there are small measures that anyone can take at home. These measures and Indoor Fall Plumbing Tips from Poole’s Plumbing are easy to do and could help you save a bundle of money in the end. Likewise, it can also help to keep your water nice and warm with no issues as the outside temperatures drop.

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Shut Off Valves- Indoor Fall Plumbing Tips

Regardless of the season, it is smart practice to know where your homes’ main shut off valve. Likewise, if for nothing but peace of mind, be sure that you know how and are physically able to shut the valve off in case of an emergency. Whether the toilet is overflowing, a pipe has busted, or you are just doing maintenance, knowledge of the shut-off valve is essential.

  • Know where it is!– Number one, first and foremost among Indoor Fall Plumbing Tips. Also, among any at home, possible disaster avoiding plumbing situation…be aware of where the main shut off valve is in your home. In many instances, this knowledge could come in handy and even if it never does, it is good to know.
  • Open and Shut and Inside and Out!– This is one of our Indoor Fall Plumbing Tips pertaining to a time you will not be home. It is about as basic and simple as can be and anyone can do this and avoid possible issues. If you are leaving your home for an extended period of time or going on vacation, before you leave, turn the main shut off valve off. Additionally, once that is off, open all of the faucets in your home and allow them to drain.

Even though these are our Indoor Fall Plumbing Tips, one item here does involve checking outdoors. That would be, just as we suggested doing with the inside faucets, once those shut-off valves are turned off, open any outdoor faucets to allow drainage as well.

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A simple check of your water heater’s thermostat (pictured) can help avoid Fall Plumbing issues.

Water Heater Maintenance-Indoor Fall Plumbing Tips

Yes, Poole’s Plumbing is the Raleigh area water heater expert. Thus, it would seem a smart move to heed their Indoor Fall Plumbing Tips, especially when discussing ways to possibly conserve and save by mostly just keeping an eye on these units.

  • Flush it out!– Just like the valve tips, this one is almost self-explanatory. Since the temperature drops in Fall and even more into Winter, the water heater will be working harder. Thus flushing out the unit at the end of summer to remove residue and sediment will allow the unit to function at its optimum capacity. This also avoids corrosion occurring, which can actually shorten the lifespan of your water heater.
  • Check the Pressure SAFELY!– We repeat SAFELY!!! This is another of our simple Indoor Fall Plumbing Tips. Basically, you are checking the pressure relief valve of the water heater. This is done by lifting the lever and snapping it back. If the pressure is as it should be, you will see a burst of water into the drainpipe. If you do not, it is time to call Poole’s Plumbing. Remember though, this water is scalding hot so, did we mention when doing this to be SAFE?!?!
  • How’s the Weather in There?– Always be sure from time to time to check the thermostat on your water heater. This is among our Fall Indoor Plumbing Tips, however, it’s a smart practice year-round. The temperature should always be set at 120 degrees Fahrenheit for best performance.
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When leaving the house for extended periods of time set the temperature to 55 to avoid freezing pipes.

The last of our Fall Indoor Plumbing Tips pertains to when you will be leaving your home for a long period of time. Always remember to leave your heat turned on at no lower than 55 degrees Fahrenheit, so that no pipes freeze while you are away.

Indoors Today, Outdoors Tomorrow (Or Soon…)

We will follow this blog post with our suggested and easy Fall Outdoor Plumbing Tips. These simple do-at-home suggestions that anyone can accomplish can help for a worry-free period through the upcoming season as the temperature begins to drop.

If you do see some type of issue when following these easy-to-follow pointers, contact the Raleigh plumbing professionals at poolesplumbing.com.

It’s Always “Cool” to Thaw and Avoiding Frozen Pipes

The second installment of our “winter plumbing tutorial,” will focus on your role in dealing with or avoiding all together the issue of frozen pipes. We all know that as the fall months of October and November turn over into the frosty winter months of December and January here in North Carolina,  there is still a chance of winter plumbing hazards, but thanks to the most trusted name in Raleigh professional plumbers, Poole’s Plumbing, you can follow the easy steps belows listed below, to try and steer clear of a costly catastrophe as you Thaw and Avoiding Frozen Pipes.

Case in point that we are not yet completely “out of the water,” when it comes to needing to know the proper steps to take to Thaw and Avoiding Frozen Pipes is the recent colder weather we have seen in the past two weeks that has dipped at night below 40 degrees and even into the lower 30’s. Your pipes can freeze once the temperature does drop to 32 degrees Fahrenheit and those most vulnerable to the possibility of freezing would be any located in a basement area, a crawl space, an unconditioned or unfinished attic, those located on an exterior wall, and even pipes located underground.

When looking at it in those terms, pretty much any homeowner would have some type of piping in one of those location, thus, the Raleigh plumbing experts at Poole’s Plumbing can assist you with a few key pointers to Thaw and Avoiding Frozen Pipes at each location you may have them. If you happen to turn on a faucet and no water pours out, it could be due to a blockage caused by ice and in each given location, these following “do-it-yourself” tips could prove priceless in avoiding disaster.

Exposed Pipes

  • Remember to open up the faucet to relieve pressure
  • When suspecting a possible frozen pipe, always shut off the main water supply in case it has burst
  • Usage of a hair dryer, electric heating pad, or space heater can help in thawing, but NEVER use an open flame to try and thaw an exposed pipe

Pipes Behind a Wall

  • The easiest and safest method with these pipes is to turn your thermostat up and wait for them to thaw.
  • In situations that need to be addressed immediately, carefully cut a whole in the wall and utilize any of the above methods listed for thawing an exposed pipe

Avoiding Frozen Pipes in the Future

  • Before the winter months arrive, be sure that all garden hoses are disconnected from any spigots
  • Keep a faucet that may be connected to a line that would be in danger of freezing open to allow just a small trickle of cold water to run over night
  • Keep cabinets that it below your sinks open to allow the warm air from your home to circulate around them
  • Insulate any exposed, external wall pipes
  • Never leave your thermostat below 55 degrees in any situation, even if going out of town or on vacation for an extended period of time.

By following these easy to do, at home tips from the pros at Poole’s Plumbing, you can not only Thaw and Avoiding Frozen Pipes, but you also can avoid serious water and financial damage with very little preparation or effort.


Be on the Look Out for Winter Plumbing Problems Before They Prove Costly or Disastrous

Moving along from one helpful two-part series courtesy of the Raleigh plumbing professionals at Poole’s Plumbing, and right into another three-part tutorial of sorts, over the course of the next month, as the temperatures will no doubt be dropping, we will be offering up some important reminders covering how you can avoid plumbing issues, both large and small throughout the winter months. When said temperatures begin to dip below freezing, your home’s plumbing is susceptible to a variety of Winter Plumbing Problems and awareness of these potential issues detailed below can help not only to save money, but can actually prevent potentially serious home damage.

Failing hot water systems are common among Winter Plumbing Problems due to pervasive cold weather, and water heating issues, in general, are one of the most common reasons plumbers are called into action at any point of the year. You’ll want to ensure the temperature setting on your water heater is set high enough. Additionally, if you possess a gas water heater with a pilot light, this light needs to be lit. If adequate hot water is still not attainable, you’ll want to contact your plumber, although it is always best to have your water heater serviced ahead of the winter season when it is not being pushed to its limit.

Frozen pipes are another issue common among Winter Plumbing Problems during these cold weather months and are caused by high water pressure from the main combined with below freezing temperatures. The most obvious giveaway of a frozen pipe is restricted water flow, so keep an eye out for changes in flow during the winter months. If you suspect a pipe is frozen, consider leaving your tap open slightly in order to allow water to flow. This water movement can prevent freezing, although it will affect your water bill over extended periods of time. If leaving the tap open isn’t an option or freezing persists, you’ll want to cut the water main switch and contact professional assistance as soon as possible.

A water line leak or break is maybe the most catastrophic of all Winter Plumbing Problems and will cause severe damage to your home. Perhaps surprisingly, frozen garden hoses can lead to this damaging occurrence. When a garden house is left connected following a freeze, the ice within the hose will gradually build up pressure in your home’s water lines, eventually leading to a leak or break if it is not attended to. Ensure that your garden hoses are drained and disconnected prior to a cold snap, and drain all outdoor pipes during this maintenance. Also, the installation of insulated faucet jackets on your outdoor faucets is recommended to shield against freezing winter temperatures. Finally, use shut-off valves within your home, if available, to drain water from your pipes. These valves are often located under sinks and alongside water heaters.

Restricted water drainage can be caused by snow on the ground in the area surrounding your sump pump discharge line. Snow blocking this drainage area can cause water back-up and freezing.

Any or all of these common winter plumbing problems can prove to be very pricey and eventual have disastrous results if not monitored and taken care of. If you do notice any of these starting to become a problem, don’t hesitate, call the Raleigh Plumbing professionals at Poole’s Plumbing to put the “freeze” on your problems.


Inside Fall Plumbing Tips: Avoiding a Catastrophe

Continuing with our helpful and easy pointers to give you a head start on avoiding any potentially costly plumbing disasters that could happen as a result of the changing of the seasons and the inevitable drop in temperature, the Raleigh professional plumbers at Poole’s Plumbing continue where we left off on our last article and head indoors for our Inside Fall Plumbing Tips.

As you already know, Poole’s Plumbing is the number one water heater expert in the Raleigh/Triangle area, and there are several easy procedures to follow in our Inside Fall Plumbing Tips to avoid not only losing hot water when the colder temperatures hit, but also to help avoid a messy situation both in your home and your wallet.

Water Heater Maintenance

  • With colder temperatures, your water heater unit is working harder during the fall and winter months. The first of our Inside Fall Plumbing Tips is to flush the unit out and remove any and all sediment buildup. If not done, corrosion can occur, which leads to reduced efficiency and actually can shorten the lifespan of your water heater.
  • Inside Fall Plumbing Tip number two regarding the water heater is to test the unit’s pressure relief valve. BE VERY CAREFUL WHEN DOING THIS, AS THE WATER IS HOT. But when you lift the lever and let it snap back, you should see a burst of water into the drainpipe and if you don’t call your helpful friends at Poole’s to come and take a look at it.
  • Be sure to check the thermostat on your unit. It should be set on 120 degrees Fahrenheit for best performance.

 Shut Off Valves

  • An Inside Fall Plumbing Tip that pertains to the outside of your home as well: if you have inside shut-off valves that lead to your outside faucets be sure they are closed and that those outside lines are full drained
  • Know where your home’s main shut off valve is and if you are leaving for a vacation or a long period, shut it off and open all faucets to allow them to drain.

One final Inside Fall Plumbing Tip also pertains to when you will be leaving your home for long periods of time. Always remember to leave your heat turned on at no lower than 55 degrees Fahrenheit, do that no pipes freeze while you are away.

Our Inside Fall Plumbing Tips and the previous blog post covering the outside of your house can help for a worry-free period through the upcoming months as the temperature begins to drop. If you do see some type of issue when following these easy-to-follow pointers, call the professionals at Poole’s at 919-661-6334 or contact us through our website at poolesplumbing.com.


Fall Outside Plumbing Tips

Fall Outside Plumbing Tips from Poole’s Plumbing

With the official first day of the Fall season coming and going on September 22, the leaves start changing colors, the temperature starts to drop, and much like you can count on each of these things happening, there are several preparation that you can take around your home to make sure that you avoid some costly plumbing disasters as the thermometer continues to head south and winter draws near. The friendly Raleigh professional plumbers at Poole’s Plumbing can help you by offering up their Fall Outside Plumbing Tips that are easy to follow and execute.

Disconnect Water Hoses 

To begin with our Fall Outside Plumbing Tips, you want to be certain to disconnect all outside water hoses. Plain and simple, if left connected, the hose can freeze up when the temperature reaches a certain point and this can lead to expansion that could see faucets and connected pipes indoors to freeze and then break.

Check for Leaky Outdoor Faucets

Be sure that no outside faucets are leaking or even dripping. If you notice they are, tend to the repairs if you are able to or call the Raleigh professional at Poole’s before the freezing weather has a chance to arrive. This if not attended to can also cause frozen pipes, which regardless of steel, plastic, or whatever they are made of will crack if frozen and could have damaging results and even cause a flood.

Cover Outside Faucets

It is worth the time to go to some type of hardware store or home center to get some type of insulation kit to make sure the outside faucets around your house are properly insulated to avoid the problems with pipes spoken of in the previous two Fall Outside Plumbing Tips above.

Clean Out Gutters and Downspouts

One of the Fall Outside Plumbing Tips that everyone seems to know of, yet still leads to as many or more issues than any of the others when the colder weather hit. Clear all leaves and any other debris from downspouts and gutters, as once the water starts freezing and thawing it is necessary to have easy drainage.

These easy-to-follow- Fall Outside Plumbing Tips from the experts at Poole’s Plumbing are one’s that you do not want to wait around on as the cool Fall temperature gives way to a brisker, colder winter. In the next blog entry at poolesplumbing.com we will continue our seasonal tips and head indoors for some helpful pointers to avoid potentially costly situations.

Souther Ideal Home Show

Visit the Triangle’s Most Trusted Professional Plumbers, Poole’s Plumbing, at The Southern Ideal Home Show Raleigh

Souther Ideal Home ShowWith hundreds of experts representing the most trusted names in landscaping, decorating, remodeling, and home building, the Southern Ideal Home Show Raleigh is the Triangle’s Largest Home and Garden Event of the Fall Season. Stop by the “Kitchens and Bath” section at Exhibit #2310 and visit the Raleigh plumbing experts from Poole’s Plumbing for some helpful tips and ideas as well as some fantastic deals.

Southern Ideal Home Show Raleigh

Poole’s Plumbing

Exhibit #2310 in the “Kitchens and Bath” Section

Friday, September 23th — Sunday, September 25th

North Carolina State Fairgrounds

1025 Blue Ridge Road, Raleigh NC, 27607


Unclog a Shower Drain

Simple Household Spring Plumbing Tips Can Help to Save

As the changing of the season from Winter to Spring is even more apparent with the recent change in temperature, the second part of our Spring Plumbing Tips from the most trusted name in Raleigh NC plumbers, Poole’s Plumbing, has several more simple things that you can do around the house to help prepare and avoid major issues as the heavy rains of the season approach.

These basic check up and repair techniques are Spring Plumbing Tips that any home owner can follow and they not only get you ready for the changing of the season, but also is a safe way to avoid more significant damage in the case that you have actually developed some type of plumbing issue during the cold winter months.

To begin with these Spring Plumbing Tips, thoroughly check all faucets in both the kitchen and bathroom of your home. This can help you to conserve water and money, as can checking your toilets to be sure there aren’t any leaks. An easy way to do this would be to place a few drops of food coloring in the tank and if a leak has developed you will see the coloring in the bowl with in 30 minutes time. Checking for leaks or cracks in the toilet bowl also is a good idea when doing this.

Before moving along from checking your toilet, another of our suggested Spring Plumbing Tips is to be sure the units are flushing correctly. If by chance you need to shake or wiggle the handle, certain parts will need to be replaced. This can be done inexpensively and can not only fix the toilet but also save you money on water costs.

Spring Plumbing TipsChecking for clogs is next on the list of Spring Plumbing Tips. Beng certain that you have a filter on all of the drains in the house will prevent buildup such as soap, hair, or a variety of other substances from creating some type of blockage. Shower heads are another area that can easily become clogged due to mineral deposits. A simple solution to this is to fill a zip-lock bag with white vinegar and using are rubber band to secure it, wrap the full baggie around the head. Leaving this on the shower head for 24 hours will break the deposits down and have it completely clog-free and clean.

Lastly, you should check your water supply valve on occasion and turn them on and off. By doing this regularly, you can prevent the valve from sticking, which can lead to much more serious issues down the road.

By following these simple Spring Plumbing Tips and staying on top of these items around the house, in addition to checking each of the items detailed in Part One of our tips that can be seen here, you can with little effort have the plumbing in your home ready for the Spring and free and clear of any minor damage caused through the winter before it becomes more costly and a much bigger problem.

Spring Plumbing Tips

Following Spring Plumbing Tips Can Help Avoid a Costly Fix

As the colder weather here in the Triangle area starts to secede and give way to the warmer temperatures of a new season, the trusted Raleigh NC plumbers at Poole’s Plumbing want to remind you that there are many things to remember as you check around the house and look for possible repairs that may need to be done as part of our Spring Plumbing Tips.

By simply going through your bathroom, kitchen, appliances, and plumbing equipment in your home’s common areas and following these Spring Plumbing Tips early on in the season, you can avoid or at least lessen the likelihood of major and potentially costly repairs.

With the increase in rainfall that we are already experiencing one thing you for sure want to check up on is that all drains, gutters and downspouts are clear of any debris. Likewise, on top of the list of Spring Plumbing Tips and check points should be to make sure all vents and plumbing pipes are clear as they could be hindered or clogged from leaves, sticks, bird nests, or a host of other items after the winter “thaw out.”

Spring Plumbing Tips

Another very important item on your Spring Plumbing Tips checklist should be checking your hose bib. First look at the faucet to be sure there are no leaks. This is a somewhat common problem after the colder months when a hose has been attached to the hose bib for the entire winter. If it was hooked up for the winter, it could have lead to the water supply pipe freezing at some point and this in turn may have seen the pipe expand and crack. If you do discover this is the case, call your trusted Raleigh NC plumbers at Poole’s and have the pipe replaced before major water damage can occur.

Keeping your plubming system safe should be a top priority during any of the four seasons, but the most important Spring Plumbing Tip you can follow as the winter cold turns to the warmer months is to make sure your sump pump is ready to endure some hard work in the upcoming season. Checking this is as simple as pouring a few buckets of water into the sump pit for starters. It should then start up with in a few seconds and then after the water flows, it should turn itself off automatically. If this does not occur once again, you should contact the professionals at Poole’s Plumbing to come and see your sump pump first hand before it burns out completely and once again requires a much more costly remedy.

Taking just a little time to go through and around the house to check on these items and follow up on each of these Spring Plumbing Tips as the cold air begins to warm with the change of the season could be the difference between major plumbing issues and water damage at your home, not to mention some unnecessary damage to your wallet. In part two of our Spring Plumbing Tips, we will discuss some other simple ways around the house to conserve heading into the Spring.

Tips from the most trusted Raleigh NC Plumbers to Avoid Winter Plumbing Issues

Raleigh NC PlumbersWith the temperature in the area beginning to drop as the fall months wind down and the cold of winter approaches, the most trusted Raleigh NC Plumbers at Poole’s Plumbing have some tips that can help you to not only conserve but also to be sure to avoid issues that are somewhat common in the colder weather.

Some of the more frequent plumbing issues that come about in the winter months are running out of or having no hot water for showers, flooding, leaks, broken radiators, and frozen or cracked pipes. In this first of two parts on avoiding winter plumbing issues, you can follow the easy tips listed below by the Raleigh NC Plumbers at Poole’s, to help avoid and at minimum make these problems less likely to occur as the temperature outside drops.

Clogged Drain Prevention

There are a few ways to help avoid your drains getting clogged and thus avoid extra strain on them as the winter months bring about the possibility of freezing. The first way is to treat your tub and sink drains using a mixture that can easily be made at home on a regular basis. Use 1 cup of baking soda, mixed with 1 cup of salt, and a ¼ cup of cream of tartar. Follow this mixture by pouring two cups of boiling water in each drain. Another thing to remember in keeping drains unclogged, especially around the holidays with all the extra cooking around the house is to avoid the dumping of any oils and grease or stringy object down your drain or into the garbage disposal. Likewise, run cold water through the disposal for 15-20 second both before and after using it and always turn it on before putting any food or debris in.

Insulate your Pipes

Using foam padding sleeves or insulation tape, this is a simple way to help avoid both your hot and cold water pipes from freezing up. Using a space heater that is set at a safe distance from any exposed fixtures or pipes to keep them warm is another way to avoid them from freezing up. Also, check basement and not often used pipes throughout your home regularly for ice or frost accumulation once the temperature has hit freezing to be sure they have not started cracking.

Running Water

This one is very simple. Be sure to run water from all valves and spigots in your home regularly throughout the winter. Especially in the case of those not used so often, this can avoid the issue of them freezing up.

Unattach Outdoor Hoses

Remember to unattach garden hoses that are outdoors before the temperature drops to freezing levels. Also, be certain to drain any residual water from the outside spigots and hoses and close the shut-off valve on any pipes leading to these.

Spreading out Showers

This is somewhat self explanatory, but having at least 10-15 minutes between showers helps to maintain proper pressure and consistent hot water levels. When the temperature outside drops, you may want to increase the temperature level on your water heater as well, but never put it higher than 125 degrees Fahrenheit.

These simple tips from the Raleigh NC Plumbers at Poole’s Plumbing are ones that you can do personally in your own home to help stay away from plumbing issues and possible disaster this upcoming winter. In the follow up to this post, we will continue to discuss how to protect your pipes as the cold weather hits, in addition to the steps to take in the case that your pipes do freeze, burst, or crack this winter. To view that post, check back here to the blog section at www.poolesplumbing.com.



Visit Poole’s Plumbing at the 2015 Fall Downtown Raleigh Home Show

Gain a Fresh Perspective— Friday, September 11-Sunday, September 13, 2015 at Booth 519


Stop by and visit the Raleigh Plumbing professionals at Poole’s Plumbing and get some helpful tips and ideas, see all the newest products, and get some fantastic deals at the “Fall Downtown Raleigh Home Show.” Find Poole’s at Booth 519, right in the center of the main showroom at Raleigh’s Biggest Home Show Event of the season.

Fall Downtown Raleigh Home Show
Friday, September 11th-Sunday, September 13th
Raleigh Convention Center
500 South Salisbury Street, Raleigh
Visit Poole’s Plumbing at Booth 519

Join the Raleigh plumbing experts from Poole’s Plumbing alongside top professionals from all fields representing local, regional, and national companies in all areas of remodeling, home improvement, outdoor, and design. For three days, come experience, compare, and purchase the latest and most innovative products and services offered for the home and garden. With professionals and experts in a variety of fields representing the top local, regional, and national companies, you won’t want to miss the Triangle area’s Biggest Home and Garden Event of the season.

Celebrity appearances will be made throughout the weekend at the Home Show, as the host of the popular PBS series, “This Old House,” Kevin O’Connor will be at the show on Friday and Saturday, and the 2015 Home and Garden Trendsetter of the year, “the Diva of DIY,” Leanne Lee, of the DIY Network, appears on all three days.
In addition to over 200 exhibitors to be on hand at this year’s Fall Home Show, there are several demonstrations and special attractions you won’t want to miss, including:

Certainly not the treehouse you remember from your childhood, you don’t even have to be outside to take a walk through this impressive feature designed by RB Landscaping.

The Go Girl Shoppe will be showing you how to turn “flea market finds” or old items found in your home from “Drab to Fab” as they are showcased both before and after the transformation.

Giving you a glimpse of the creative design that has made them one of Raleigh’s premier landscapers for over a decade, Luxury Living Scapes Inc. the “Outdoor Oasis” will be built inside the convention center in aisle 100 of the show.
Flowers, plants, and another unique home décor will be available in the Garden Market. You can’t miss the spectacular presentation of The Flower Pot, which will be located in the lobby of the convention center.

A special thanks to “the troops,” as on Friday, September 11, all active and retired military personnel get into the show for FREE.

Website: www.raleighfallshow.com

ACS Fall Home Show at Raleigh Convention Center September 9th-11th 2011

Poole’s Plumbing will be attending the ACS Fall Home Show at the Raleigh Convention Center from 9/9/11 – 9/11/11 come out and check out the latest innovations in the Plumbing industry and talk with one of our plumbing experts about a Tankless Water Heater System.

To learn more about the ACS Fall Home Show visit their website at www.acshomeshow.com

Visit Poole’s Plumbing at Booth 1015 9/9—9/11



620 The Buzz Radio Show, Homeowner Tips for Protecting Your Home in Winter

Joe, Tim and Bob Poole of Poole’s Plumbing, a local Raleigh Plumber sit down with Marty Jones host of Homeowners Helper on 620 The Buzz to help homeowners with plumbing and home plumbing care protection. Listen now for all types of home care Tips.

Read more