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Simple and Easy Do it Yourself Plumbing Tips

When it comes to plumbing issues, many renters and homeowners don’t think twice. It’s simply pick up the phone and call the most trusted name in Raleigh area plumbers, Poole’s Plumbing. We certainly agree with your choice of plumber…especially in a situation which calls for our help! However, becoming the “most trusted” plumber around is a name that we earned and take very seriously! Thus, we would like to share some pointers for situations where you could easily take care of the issues at hand. Therefore, here are eight easy, Do it Yourself Plumbing Tips that if following the directions below, you should be able to tackle yourself.

Do It Yourself Plumbing Tips to Silence the “Noises and Creaks” 

We have all heard them. A strange creak that at first, we are unaware of its source. Well, one of the sources of those “creaks,” we can tell you is plumbing related. The good news is, not only is it an easy fix but with our Do it Yourself Plumbing Tips, you will be able to silence that creak in no time!


The noises and creaks you hear may be coming from your copper plumbing pipes.

Silencing the Pipes

To first explain, the “creaking” comes from hot water running through copper pipes. This causes the copper to expand and when it does, the pipe grinds against the pipe hangers and joists. The easy Do it Yourself Plumbing Tips to rectify this problem are as follows.

First, get some adhesive-backed felt at a nearby hardware store. Next, you cut that felt into strips. Once strips are ready, wrap them around the “noisy pipe.” In the meantime, you will want to remove each pipe hanger and wrap the pipe with the felt tape. Finally, once wrapped, you can refasten the hanger….and you can say goodbye to the unwanted creaky sounds!

Keeping Your Sink Quiet

Yet another “noisy” plumbing issue is one that occurs and originates underneath your two-basin stainless steel sink. As anyone can attest to with this type of sink, there can be the issue of somewhat loud vibrations and the “gong” effect. Not to worry though, as this also is an issue that should be no problem for you with our Do it Yourself Plumbing Tips. Basically with this issue, you will only need a can of expanding foam.

Once you have the foam, you will use it to fill the space between the two sides of your stainless steel sink basins. You can do this when the sink has already been installed, but the procedure is a bit easier to do if you “do the filling” before installation. Once you allow the foam to harden, then trim away any excess with a knife. By filling the space, the foam works once expanded to deaden the vibrations, while it absorbs and lessens the “gong” like sound also.


One way to avoid unwanted noise is to put expanding foam between the two bays of your stainless steel sink.

More Tips to Help “Drain, Flush, and Empty” a Situation

Whether it’s your toilet, sink, a trap or pipes, if there is a clog or an obstruction, your end goal is the same. Clear it through. Again, as stated above with the “noisy” issues, there are certainly times when a clog is going to warrant a call to the pros at Poole’s Plumbing. However, in the three following situations, you will be able to take these Do it Yourself Plumbing Tips to literally “clear” the issues up yourself!

Vacuum that Toilet

As already discussed, any type of obstruction in your pipes, whether the sink, toilet, or anywhere in your home, could lead to a major plumbing problem. Almost by instinct in these cases, we always reach for the plunger first, to try and knock loose and clear the clog. But, in the case that the plunger can not clear it through, there is a good chance you are looking at a more solid or hard object that is causing the problem. In actuality, without realizing it the plunging may push this type object deeper than it was at first.

Once again, this is no reason to fret though, as all you need in many cases is a wet/dry shop vacuum. Start by sucking any water out of the area with the obstruction. Then go in deeper and many times you will find whatever object is stuck will be sucked out by the power of the vacuum.


Several of our Do it Yourself Plumbing Tips involve ways of approaching toilet issues that you may not have thought of before.

Plunge the Trap for Less of a Mess

The curved pipe located under your sink is commonly known as the “sink trap.”Over time, the traps can get plugged up with soap, hair, and other debris. This could lead to a huge mess if allowed to get out of hand and left unattended. Regardless of whether you are just emptying the trap or changing it, this is going to be a somewhat messy job. With another of our helpful Do it Yourself Plumbing Tips, you can at very least, lessen the mess, though.

Once again, the advice here will have you utilize a common item in the home, a plunger. Simply give your drain a few plunges before pulling the trap. This will at least remove any water from the trap, which will immediately make the job a bit less messy. Do remember, however, if you have a two-sided sink, cover/plug the other drain to contain the air pressure while you plunge.

The “Flush Bucket”

The final of our Do it Yourself Plumbing Tips is one that would more than likely take place when you are already having a plumbing project take place. To put the situation into perspective, let’s say that you have the Raleigh professionals from Poole’s Plumbing set to work on your toilet. So, you would turn off the water supply before they begin their work. This would create a situation where you can not use the toilet, as there would be no water in which to flush it, right?

Well, not necessarily, as with the next of our Do it Yourself Plumbing Tips, you can still get a few uses from your toilet even in this spot. All you need to do is before shutting off the water supply, fill several two-gallon buckets with water. This way, you can flush the toilet by dumping the water into the bowl. While it won’t refill after the flush, this will still work just the same for the one flush that you would need.

The most trusted name in Raleigh area plumbing, Poole’s Plumbing is always the top choice for your plumbing emergency or project. However, the relationship we have built and trust we’ve earned over the past twenty years with our customers is how we became that way. That being said, we are always happy to come out and fix any plumbing issues you may have. But, if we can save you the headache and some money with these Do it Yourself Plumbing Tips, then we are equally as happy to pass along our knowledge.

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“Check to Avoid a Wreck”: Indoor Spring Plumbing Tips from Poole’s Plumbing

Following the first post from this series, in this article, we will offer Indoor Spring Plumbing Tips. Just as with the outdoor checklist from the first offering of this series, these are things you can easily do yourself. However, despite being simple tasks, they can be the difference in major damage and wreckage due to a plumbing mishap if not monitored.


A clogged drain can lead to much worse problems when unattended too.

To many, plumbing can seem a somewhat intimidating thing to personally stay on top of. Thus, many feel when discussing plumbing and weather change they are not equipped to do their own upkeep. However, with these Indoor Spring Plumbing Tips, anyone can monitor their situation and thus avoid unnecessary issues.

Major Checking Points for Indoor Spring Plumbing Tips to Avoid Plumbing Disasters Inside Your Home as Winter Changes to Spring

  • Faucets
  • Drains
  • Shower Heads
  • Toilets
  • Water Supply Valve

Keeping it Unclogged: Indoor Spring Plumbing Tips for Inside Faucets and Drains

Ok, to start, this would seem one that everyone would already be aware of, right? Well, surprisingly, not everyone acts on things that are right under their noses in everyday life. One such item would be the first we touch on in our Indoor Spring Plumbing Tips. This would be checking all faucets.

Whether in the kitchen, bathrooms, laundry room or wherever you have a faucet, this is one is easy to upkeep. Simply look and be aware of your daily use of faucets that there are no leaks. Regularly checking for leaks and monitoring usage will help you conserve water. Likewise, it gives you the peace of mind that your faucets in no way are leaking and thus causing bigger problems.

In the same vein, just keeping a watch over all inside drains can be another way to avoid plumbing issues. As we all know, items like soap, hair, toothpaste caps, etc. can wind up causing a clog in our drains. One blockage can eventually lead to more serious blockages, that can spell disaster. Keeping an eye out as we suggest in these Indoor Spring Plumbing Tips can make all the difference in avoiding clogged drains. Similarly, the use of filters on all your inside drains can also prevent buildup that can lead to a costly clog.


A clean shower head can save money and conserve on wasteful usage.

A “Wrap” Can Keep Shower Heads Clean and No Deposits Will Be Seen

Much as the case is with faucets and drains, moving to the bathroom, showerheads are another easily clogged item. Our Indoor Spring Plumbing Tips continue with an easy at-home method of being sure your shower head is free and clear of clogs. A clean showerhead, like a faucet, can keep you assured of one less area that could lead to a larger plumbing issue in time.

The simple at-home method to keep your showerhead clean only takes 24 hours, with very little effort needed. This do-it-yourself solution among our Indoor Spring Plumbing Tips begins with a zip-lock baggie. First, remove your showerhead and place it in the baggie. Then fill the baggie with white vinegar and use a rubber band to tightly secure the baggie around the showerhead. Lastly, allow the showerhead to soak in the vinegar-filled baggie for 24 hours. This process breaks down mineral deposits and leaves the showerhead clean and clog-free.

Indoor Spring Plumbing Tips for ‘Toilet Testing’: Wiggling and Settling to Be Sure

Staying right in the bathroom for the next portion of our Indoor Spring Plumbing Tips, we look at the toilet. Once again, these simple at-home methods we suggest are to be sure your toilet has no cracks or leaks, which obviously could lead to larger issues. For our first “test” you can conduct, we give you the “flush test.” This begins with, you guessed it, flushing your toilet. If after you’ve flushed, the water flow does not seem to stop, wiggle or shake the handle. This should stop the water flow. However, if you needed to wiggle the handle, this is a red flag that something is wrong. Luckily, the “flush test’s” resulting in a wiggle is an inexpensive fix. Basically, it means you need to replace certain parts in the toilet’s tank. Following the instructions can then lead you to which parts you need to replace, but any and all of those parts are a minuscule investment compared to the costs you would face if this went unattended to.

Another obvious issue to look for with your toilet is any cracks. With a cracked toilet comes leaks, which not only can cause water damage but also can prove costly financially. A proven way to check for any leaks is the tried and true food color test. Follow the simple steps below to use this test to check for leaks.

Simple Indoor Spring Plumbing Tips to Check for Leaky or Cracked Toilet

  • Remove the lid from on top of your toilets’ tank
  • Add a few drops of food coloring to the water in the tank
  • Let the food coloring settle in the tank for 30 minutes
  • When this time is up, observe the water in the toilet bowl
  • If the water in the bowl has changed colors when you check after 30 minutes, there is a leak.

Know the location of your main shut off valve and check it regularly to avoid possible plumbing situations.

Awareness of a Sticky Valve to Avoid a Sticky Situation

The final of our Indoor Spring Plumbing Tips starts with you either knowing where or locating where your water supply valve is. Regardless of what season or the temperature, you should know where this is located regardless. Assuming you do know where the valve is another easy ‘DIY’ solution is to check the valve regularly.

The valve check is to be certain that it is not sticking. Just turn the valve on and off several times to do this check, so you are sure it is functioning smoothly. A stuck valve may seem a small problem at first, but if ignored can lead to serious issues eventually.

This concludes our Indoor Spring Plumbing Tips from the experts at Poole’s Plumbing. To go back and see our outdoor plumbing tips for the upcoming season, visit the blog/news section at


Outdoor Spring Plumbing Tips: Disaster Can be Avoided Outside Your Home

As the season begins to change here in North Carolina, we see the cold of Winter begin to change to a warmer Spring climate. With winter’s freezing temperatures being thawed by the air becoming warmer, many possible plumbing disasters could occur. Fear not, however! Your friends at Raleigh’s number one name in plumbing, Poole’s Plumbing, are here with their Outdoor Spring Plumbing Tips to remind and help you of items that can avoid these possible disasters and save you big in the long run!

Major Checking Points for Outdoor Spring Plumbing Tips to Avoid Clogs, Backups, or Leaks Outside Your Home as Winter Changes to Spring

  • Gutters
  • Downspouts
  • Drains
  • Hoses
  • Hose Bibs
  • Vents
  • Plumbing Pipes
  • Sump Pump

Keep an eye on your downspouts to be sure the do not get clogged or restricted by debris.

Drains, Gutters, and Downspouts: Keep Them Clear, Have No Fear 

On top of the temperature change, another unavoidable weather trend as Winter turns to Spring is an increase in rainfall. Thus, with more rainfall comes the need to avoid any type of flooding. The first of our Outdoor Spring Plumbing Tips is to have you be sure your outside drains, gutters, and downspouts are completely clear and free of any debris. 

Items to check for that can pile up and cause a blockage in these areas are leaves, sticks, bird nests, or a host of other things. Any or all of these items can easily accumulate during the wintery winds and precipitation without you realizing it. In addition to the areas pointed out above, be certain to check all outside vents or pipes, too. Thus, upon the “winter thaw,” it is best to heed this first of our Outdoor Spring Plumbing Tips. This way, not only are these areas free and clear but so is your conscience knowing you need not worry about backup or flooding in these areas.

A frozen up hose bib can lead to disastrous results if not addressed early and properly.

Check for a Leak, Give Hoses and Hose Bib a Peek

Our next Outdoor Spring Plumbing Tips will take you to another area that is easy to look over since you likely haven’t used a hose all winter. That’s right, we move next to your outdoor hoses and hose bibs. As just mentioned, you don’t normally use a hose in the colder months, however, if you had the hose connected all Winter, you need to check.

When tacking these next Outdoor Spring Plumbing Tips, start by looking at the hose bib. Look initially at the faucet to be certain there are no leaks. Leaks can definitely be a problem especially if the hose was never disconnected prior to the cold temperatures of winter. This happens and is a fairly common problem as if hooked up all winter it can lead to your water supply-pipe freezing over. If this occurs it can lead to expansion of said pipe and thus, cracking or bursting. If in your checking, you see this to be the case, immediately call Poole’s Plumbing. This way, one of our expert plumbers can analyze and if needed replace the pipe before major water damage occurs.

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Testing to be sure your sump pump if functioning properly should be a top priority when the cold weather begins heating up.

The Sump Pit: What is it? What Outdoor Spring Plumbing Tips Can Help to Keep Things “Pumping?”

All maintenance and Outdoor Spring Plumbing Tips to this point are very important and can avoid messy and costly problems. That being said, possibly the most important and top priority should be your sump pump. First off for those unfamiliar with the sump pump or sump pit, the pit is a hole, with a gravel base dug into the lowest point of your basement. When water comes into the sump pit, the pump’s sensor activates it, turning it on, and moving the water away from your home.

With the thawing and melting that will surely happen during the season change, your sump pump will be getting quite a “workout.” Thus, you must check to be sure it is working correctly. To follow this, which is next among our Outdoor Spring Plumbing Tips, first fill a few buckets with water. Then, pour the buckets into the sump pit. This should start up the pump with in a few seconds and the water should flow away from the house. However, if the pump does not start or you notice it not working properly, this could become a major issue. Again, if you do see the sump pump not starting, call the experts at Poole’s Plumbing. They can diagnose the problem in person and avoid the pump completely burning out. This will help you avoid the need for a far more vcostly repair.

From the Outside to Indoors in Our Next Post

Taking just a little time to go around the outside of the house to check on these items could be the difference between having or not having major plumbing issues. Not following these easy Outdoor Spring Plumbing Tips can lead to serious water damage, and serious damage to your wallet.

In our next post, the second in this two-part series, we move from outdoors to the inside of the home. Much like these Spring Outdoor Plumbing Tips, next post’s indoor suggestions can help you avoid damage and also help avoid unnecessary costly problems. To contract or for more on all the services Poole’s Plumbing can help you with visit

Moen-Kitchen-Faucets-Power Boost

Moen Kitchen Faucets Truly Give You the “Boost” for “Power” to “Clean”

Always ahead of the field with the latest plumbing innovations, Moen Kitchen Faucets introduce “Power Clean” and “Power Boost” technology. Just as the case with our previous several articles, the experts at Poole’s Plumbing can help to educate on or install these and any Moen products.


The forceful spray of the Power Clean technology has many benefits.

Its “More Force, Less Splash” with Power Clean Moen Kitchen Faucets

At they introduce the Power Clean technology used in Moen Kitchen Faucets as follows. “Moen’s thoughtfully designed Power Clean technology provides an improved and powerfully concentrated spray for faster clean up.”

They continue to detail the advantages of Power Clean technology in Moen Kitchen Faucets. “With optimized cleaning force, Power Clean technology provides 50% more spray power* than most pulldown and pullout faucets, while containing splash and minimizing the mess.”

The Benefits of Power Clean technology with Moen Kitchen Faucets (The explanations following are from

  • Powerful, Fast Clean-Up- Tackle sticky, caked-on messes in half the time versus Moen pullout and pulldown faucets without Power Clean technology
  • Convenience and Efficiency- Greater force means faster clean-up with less water used 
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The Power Boost technology makes a perfect fill as easy as touching a button.

A “Faster Clean” and “Faster Fill” with Power Boost Technology

Just like with the “Power Clean” technology, Power Boost is another innovation with Moen Kitchen Faucets. The Moen official website also details the innovative features of Power Boost technology, reading as follows.

“Boost the performance of your kitchen faucet with the push of a button.” It continues, “Power Boost fills containers faster and provides 50 percent more spray power for quicker clean-up. Moen’s game-changing Power Boost innovation helps homeowners maximize their time at the sink, offering improved functionality at their fingertips.”

The Benefits of Power Boost technology with Moen Kitchen Faucets (The explanations following are from

  • Boosted Water Performance– With the push of a button, Boosted Spray cleans 50% faster, while Boosted Stream fills pots and pitchers faster.
  • Convenience and Efficiency- Now, filling coffee pots and lemonade pitchers doesn’t feel like forever.
  • Faster Clean-Up- Tackle sticky, caked-on messes in half the time of Moen faucets without Power Boost technology, with the push of a button

The Moen Kitchen Faucets featuring this technology are available in a variety of different models and finishes. Any of these models can be installed by the most trusted name in Raleigh professional plumbers, Poole’s Plumbing. For more on available faucets with Power Clean and Power Boost technology, visit To contact Poole’s Plumbing about installation or any questions on these and any other kitchen faucets, visit


Demand Duo is Latest of Innovations in Rinnai Commercial Water Heaters

Already the number one name and manufacturer of water heaters in North America, Rinnai has announced its Demand Duo series. These Rinnai Water Heaters give customers the best benefits of both tank and tankless models.

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This is the Rinnai Demand Duo Hybrid Commercial Water Heating System

Get the Best of Both Worlds! (In Water Heaters)

At, the company that has continuously set the standard for both tankless and conventional water heaters explains the system. “Rinnai’s Demand Duo Hybrid Water Heating System is the smart choice when it’s time to replace a standard tank.”

 It goes on to say the following. “Featuring a part-tank, part-tankless design, the Demand Duo offers the best of both technologies in a quick and easy upgrade that delivers an endless supply of hot water.”

How Do they Combine Tank and Tankless Models in These Rinnai Water Heaters?

On the same page at, they also explain exactly how and what benefits come from combining the two types of water heaters. Likewise, they explain the benefits of combining them to make these Rinnai Water Heaters.

“The Rinnai Demand Duo pairs a durable, energy-efficient 119-gallon storage tank with a Rinnai C199 tankless unit.” They explain further, “This creates a direct replacement solution with connections similar to most high-efficiency tanks that provides continuous hot water. The article concludes, “This means the Demand Duo is simple to install and keeps pace with an establishment’s hot water needs.”

Greater Capacity? Longer Lifespan? How About Both!

Going further into detail, the official Rinnai website gives more detail on the incredible innovation in these water heaters. It explains how they have more capacity and last longer.

“Because the Demand Duo’s heat source is placed outside the tank, it actually offers more water heating capacity than traditional units.” It continues, “Furthermore, the removal of the heating element from inside the tank eliminates thermal stress on the tank itself, lengthening the life of the unit and its ability to consistently output hot water.”

The piece on these Rinnai Water Heaters concludes with the following. “Rinnai’s warranty on the Demand Duo is twice that of traditional commercial tanks and it is backed with a No-Risk Satisfaction Guarantee.”

Benefits of the Demand Duo Rinnai Water Heaters

  • Longer life vs. traditional tank
  • 2 times the warranty
  • 8-year heat exchanger and tank/ 6-year tank/ 5-year parts/ 2-year labor
  • Saves money with less energy cost vs. standard-efficiency water heater
  • Performs better by combining best of tank and tankless technologies
  • Ease of repair – all parts are replaceable

Other Key Features of Demand Duo Water Heaters

  • Built standard with 199,000 BTU C199 commercial tankless water heater
  • Ultra low NOx compliant
  • Commercial ENERGY STAR certified
  • Multiple venting options (PVC/CPVC, Room Air, Concentric, Common Vent)
  • System weight up to 250 lbs. lighter than competitive units

For more on the latest innovations in Rinnai Water Heaters and so much more, visit Also, to see all the products and vendors associated with the Raleigh water heater experts at Poole’s, visit

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Delta Plumbing Products Bring Conveinience and Style with a Tap

As we note on our “Plumbing Resources” page, as Raleigh’s most trusted plumbers, we work with the top vendors and products available. One such brand that is once again “re-inventing” the way we all look at plumbing products is Delta. The experts at Poole’s Plumbing can help you to install and get familiar with the latest Delta Plumbing Products. These include their innovative faucet line that allows you to use a simple touch to control water flow.


The “Pivotal” is a kitchen faucet from Delta with Touch 2 O technology.

Get Your Water with Just a Tap, It’s Just the Start of Innovative Delta Plumbing Products

A press release from announces and details the innovative Touch 2 O technology that is “changing the faucet game.” In explaining how and why the innovations have come about in Delta Plumbing Products, the release reads as follows.

“To satisfy the needs of homeowners looking to enhance their kitchen’s functionality, Delta Faucet presents its complete line of beverage faucets, which now feature optional Touch 2 O Technology.” It continues, “Allowing users to turn the faucet on and off with a simple tap. “

The release then explains that the new technology is available in a variety of styles and finishes of Delta Plumbing Products. 


Pictured is the Champagne Bronze finish from the “Trinsic” Delta Kitchen collection.

Functionality with Style: Delta Plumbing Products Give You all Three

Delta brand product manager, Peggy Gallagher discusses several advantages to the innovations with these Delta Plumbing Products. Gallagher touches on getting the desired functionality without sacrificing your sense of style.

“With Delta beverage faucets, homeowners no longer need to sacrifice style in their kitchen by using an unflattering water tap.” Gallagher adds, “Our beverage faucets are offered in a variety of styles and finish colors.” She goes on,” They also include some of our most advanced kitchen technologies, including our intuitive touch-activated Touch 2 O Technology.” Peggy concludes, “This makes it possible to have a kitchen that is both functional and chic.”

The Mateo (shown) is yet another sleek faucet design from Delta with this technology.

Compatibility and Filtration? Check and Check!

It is also reads in the press release, that each of these Delta Plumbing Products features yet another innovation. This is the InnoFlex PEX supply line. According to the release these are “compatible with virtually any water filtration system.” This includes Reverse Osmosis water filtration systems. Likewise, they fit standard plumbing supply lines.

The Delta Kitchen Faucets featuring Touch 2 O  are Available in the Following Finishes.

  • Chrome
  • Arctic Stainless
  • Brilliance Stainless
  • Venetian Bronze

For more information on the latest in Delta Plumbing Products, visit To see all of the vendors and great products that are associated with Poole’s plumbing, visit the “Resources and Products” page at

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Kohler Plumbing Products: The Future is Now

The innovation and creativity of Kohler Plumbing Products always seem to keep the brand ahead of the field. With their “Konnect” line of products, however, the company’s use of modern technology is like no Kohler Plumbing Products before. For that matter, these products that can be installed by the pros at Poole’s Plumbing are unlike any plumbing products before.

In this series of articles, we will individually cover several of the new Kohler Plumbing Products from the innovative “Konnect” series.

Introducing the “Konnect” line of Kohler Plumbing Products


The new Konnect line, Sensate Kitchen Faucet is available in four different gorgeous colors.

At, the plumbing company gives an introduction to this groundbreaking and innovative product line. “Reimagine your personal space with the world’s smartest bathroom.” They continue, “Kohler Konnect” smart products have the ability to transform your bathroom using light, sound, color, and water.”

It concludes, “With built-in voice control, it all happens seamlessly. From exotic and energizing and every feeling in between, your bathroom can finally do what no other can, create an experience as unique as you.

No Hands, No Problem with the Sensate Kitchen Faucet

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The voice control feature allows you to give a measurement or set the faucet to fill specific commonly used containers.

In describing the first of several Konnect-line Kohler Plumbing Products, the company welcomes you to “Conquer the kitchen, hands-free.” Likewise, it describes this kitchen faucet, which features voice-activated technology as “your virtual kitchen assistant.”

There are several “smart” features that set these Kohler Plumbing Products apart from the rest. These include the unique voice control feature, touchless technology, and the sweep spray.

Talk to Your Faucet…No Seriously, the Sensate Gives you Voice Control


The incredible voice activation feature on the Sensate faucet makes kitchen preparation a snap.

This incredible feature allows you to speak commands at your faucet. Yes, you heard that right, just as the Sensate faucet will hear you.

Command the faucet to turn on and off or even give it directions, telling it to dispense an exact amount of water. You can customize filling up items you frequently use as well, making these Kohler Plumbing Products literally all your own.

Hands- Free Kohler Plumbing Products? It’s Touchless Technology!

With a first of its kind, state of the art sensor in the faucet, there is no longer a need to turn any handles on your faucet.

Located just behind the faucet spout, a simple wave of the hand past the sensor allows you to turn the water on and off with great ease. Consequently, if cooking or preparing food, this can make it so no messy hands have to touch the faucet handle as well.

A Clean “Sweep”: The Two- Function Sweep Spray Feature

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The Sweep Spray feature has a high powered stream to help with those stubborn dishes.

The features already detailed on the Sensate faucet are pretty amazing. However, one of the main functions of a kitchen faucet is to spray/clean off dishes, pans, etc. With the “Sweep Spray ” feature on these Kohler Plumbing Products, this is also addressed.

The pull-down spray head is a great feature all on its own. However, when faced with stubborn messes, its power you need. Worry not, as you can easily change from the regular stream to Sweep Spray. This is a more powerful stream to get those real sticky and stubborn spots with no extra effort.

Kohler Plumbing Products from the Konnect Line…To Be Continued!

We will continue in the following two posts to detail these innovative Kohle Plumbing Products. Also in the Konnect line are a showering system and the Perfect Fill technology bathtub faucet.

For further information on the Raleigh professional plumbers installing Kohler Plumbing Products in your new home, go to Likewise, if you want more details on the Konnect line visit

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Superior Flushing Innovations Set American Standard Toilets Apart from the Pack

American Standard Toilets always seem to stay a step ahead of the competition. Using the latest innovations and technology, the brand has become synonymous with high-quality plumbing products. Poole’s Plumbing is a licensed, professional that installs all American Standard products. This includes the incredible new “Champion” line from American Standard. Likewise, the “VorMax” line of American Standard Toilets uses the latest technology for a cleaner flush as well.

The American Standard Toilets “Champion” is Virtually Clog-Free! Seriously!!!

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The sleek design of the new American Standard Champion line is as alluring as its efficiency.

According to their official website at, “Innovation” is what sets the Champion line of American Standard Toilets apart from all other brands and models. The site reads, “With superior flushing performance, the Champion is virtually clog-free.”

Though there are the obvious advantages of a “clog-free” toilet, the Champion line actually saves you in more ways than one. Again referring to their own description, these toilets bring efficiency too. “Water-saving, high-efficiency toilets are available to help save water and money.”

The “Champion”: Not Only Efficient But Stylish Too!

The Champion toilet collection from American Standard offers a variety of models. All of these have utilized the most recent, innovations in plumbing to result in a cleaner and more effective flush. The page dedicated to these toilets notes the high-quality standard of the units and more.

“Nothing compares to the Champion line of toilets,” The Champion page continues, reading, “This innovative line of toilets meet the industry’s highest standard for flushing performance, virtually eliminating clogs and providing a cleaner, more efficient flush every time. The Champion toilet is available in a variety of beautiful designs that coordinate perfectly with our complete bathroom product collections.”

The American Standard Toilets “Vor-Max” Technology,  The Cleanest, Germ-Free Flush!

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Toilets with “VorMax” flushing technology (pictured) give the most germ free flush you can get.

American Standard has also raised the bar in keeping your toilet bowl clean with the introduction of its “VorMax” Flush technology. Basically, the “VorMax” technology is reinventing the way that your toilet cleans. This is done by taking away the rim holes around the inside of the bowl on these American Standard Toilets. These holes are usually where water is produced when flushing.  

One high power jet stream of water that self scrubs your entire bowl from top to bottom replaces the holes. This is done without need for a brush or even touching a thing. The “VorMax” jet stream on these American Standard Toilets even cleans the difficult to reach spots in your bowl.

These technological advances can start working in your favor. Both a cleaner toilet and a more efficient toilet awaits with either line of these toilets. As noted in the intro, the professional Raleigh plumbers at Poole’s Plumbing can install these for you.  To see more on all the newest American Standard products, go to


Making Sense of WaterSense

Initially part of an Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) partnership program, the WaterSense name and label has become synonymous with water-efficient products and conservation.

725 billion gallons of water were conserved alone in 2018 by using WaterSense products.

This will be the first in a series of articles on “green plumbing.” In our series of posts, we will look at the benefits of green plumbing and answer many questions and ‘myths’ that most wonder when discussing the topic.

Above all, in this series, we will look at how you can conserve and save: both to help the environment and your wallet. Our first post will focus on “WaterSense.”

Looking Beyond the Label: The “Why and What” is WaterSense?

We have all seen the half green and half blue waterdrop carrying the WaterSense name. While most vaguely know the symbol to be associated with conservation and environmental consciousness, few look further than that.

To get the official WaterSense description from, the website explains the following.

“The WaterSense label makes it simple to find water-efficient products, new homes, and programs that meet EPA’s criteria for efficiency and performance.” The website continues, “The WaterSense label makes it simple to find water-efficient products, new homes, and programs that meet EPA’s criteria for efficiency and performance.”

“WaterSense partners with manufacturers, retailers and distributors, homebuilders, irrigation professionals, and utilities to bring WaterSense to your community. Our partnerships encourage innovation in manufacturing and support sustainable jobs for American workers.”


Using the WaterSense labeled products can save you700 gallons of water a year, just on showers.

Partnering Up to Fulfill a Mission and a Vision

The EPA had a vision upon initial discussions of WaterSense. It also came about with a mission to accomplish. Likewise, these are both also discussed in detail at

The WaterSense mission statement is one that has remained true since the initiative first launched in June of 2006. It is as follows. “We are transforming the marketplace for products and services that use water, and promoting a nationwide ethic of water efficiency to conserve water resources for future generations and reduce water and wastewater infrastructure costs.”

Consequently, the initial vision of the Summer of 2006 remains the same and plays off of the mission statement. The ‘WaterSense’ vision is that “all Americans will understand the importance of water efficiency and take positive actions to reduce their water use. In their homes, outdoors, and at work.”


The initiatives and programs laid out by Water Sense can help you save energy, water, and money.

How can WaterSense Equal Water Savings???

Again referring to the official EPA website, the following “Water Stats” explain how much ‘sense’ that a switch to these products actually makes.

  • WaterSense labels products that are 20 percent more water-efficient and perform as well as or better than standard models.
  • The average family can save 13,000 gallons of water and $130 in water costs per year by replacing all old, inefficient toilets in their home with WaterSense labeled models.
  • Replacing old, inefficient bathroom faucets and aerators with WaterSense labeled models. This can save the average family $250 in water and electricity costs over the faucets’ lifetime.
  • Replacing showerheads with WaterSense labeled models can reduce the average family’s water and electricity costs by $70. Likewise, this can save the average family more than 2,700 gallons of water per year. This is equal to the amount of water needed to wash 88 loads of laundry.
  • Giving a home’s main bathroom a high-efficiency makeover by installing a WaterSense labeled toilet, showerhead, and faucet aerator. These savings can pay for itself in as little as 1 year.
  • Replacing a standard clock timer with a WaterSense labeled irrigation controller. This can reduce an average home’s irrigation water use by 15 percent. It also can save an average home nearly 7,600 gallons of water annually.

As mentioned above, this is the first post in a three part series to familiarize you with green plumbing. For more information on WaterSense, and products bearing its name on their labels, visit their website at


Winter Energy Conservation Can Keep You Warm While You Save

With the first day of winter upon us this weekend, (December 21) this is our final installment of our four-part “winter plumbing tips series.” In this post, we will discuss ways that everyone can save a few bucks, even as the temperatures drop. By following these easy-to-do Winter Energy Conservation reminders from your friends at Poole’s Plumbing, you can still stay warm, but not feel “left in the cold” when your bills arrive.

Winter Energy Conservation Tactics Will Help You Save

In this article, we will focus on four major items to “keep an eye” on around the house this winter. Each area will be give details, showing you a few simple reminders that if kept on top of will lead to Winter Energy Conservation. Those three areas in your very own home to monitor are as follows.

  • Thermostat
  • Windows
  • Fire Place
  • Water Heater

The Thermostat: The Key to Winter Energy Conservation


Keeping the thermostat turned down just 10 degrees while at work 8 hours each day can save you big.

The thermostat is a key area in which can make or break your attempt at Winter Energy Conservation and savings. You should attend to the thermostat regularly for a few reasons. First, and most obvious, keep the temperature on a setting that you can be comfortable with but with in reason also.

Remembering to turn the thermostat down when leaving home for an extended period of time is another way to conserve. Consequently, statistics from show that turning the thermostat down at least ten degrees for eight hours daily would save the average person ten percent on heating bills annually. Both of these Winter Conservation Tips are as easy as remembering and taking a look at the thermostat, yet can certainly prove to save you in the long run.

The “Window” to Savings is an “Open and Shut” Case


Keep curtains that face south in your home wide open during the winter months during hours of sunlight.

The windows in your home are another area that you can save through Winter Energy Conservation. To adjust your windows for optimal conservation, there are several easy actions you can take. To start, keep curtains that face south in your home wide open during the winter months during hours of sunlight. This can help to naturally heat your home, and once the sun goes down, you can easily close the curtains.

When speaking of conserving, with your windows an easy slogan to remember is “insulation equals Winter Energy Conservation.” Application of a clear plastic film to the inside of your windows can prevent drafts and keep the heat in. Likewise, you may use insulated drapes to help in this process as well.

Many Ways to Save Around the Fireplace


Keeping the damper closed can help trap the warmth in a room longer.

The prevention of heat loss when using a fire place and maximizing the warmth coming from the fire are other easy methods of Winter Energy Conservation. To begin, always be 100 percent certain that the fireplace damper is closed unless you are actively using it. The reasoning on this is by closing the damper, warm air stays trapped in your home. On the contrary, leaving the damper open in the winter months is the equivalent violent of leaving a window open. Obviously, keeping the damper shut and the warm air makes for less of a need to turn up the temperature on the  thermostat.

It is also advised to keep the window nearest to the fireplace cracked open about one inch or less. Consequently, doing this when the fireplace is in use combined with closing doors leading to the room in which the fireplace sets will help conserve. Clearly, lower your thermostat anytime the fireplace is  in used is also advised. Two final tips “around the fireplace” are to caulk around the fireplace hearth and if not planning on usage, keep the flue sealed.

Adjusting and Servicing a Water Heater Can Help to Save


Having your water heater serviced regularly will ensure it is running at its most efficient.

Water heating costs on average accounts for about 25 percent of all energy used in the home. Thus, managing and monitoring your water heater is an essential part of Winter Energy Conservation. To start, adjust your water heater to its warm setting (120 degrees F). Also, having your water heater serviced regularly will ensure it is running at its most efficient. This can also prove to be a big savings, especially in these upcoming colder months. Likewise, regular drainage of your water heater’s tank every few months will aid in keeping costs down, too.

In the past four blog posts, we have covered many areas in which you can save this winter. Avoiding unnecessary plumbing issues and conserving energy can keep costs at a minimum and still keep you warm this winter. Poole’s Plumbing’s tips provided in the past six weeks should have you on your way to doing both. To see more on the most trusted name in Raleigh plumbing or to contact Poole’s Plumbing, visit

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The Raleigh Emergency Plumbers Have the Answers for Your Frozen Pipe Questions

While there are many ways that you can try and prevent plumbing emergencies that come about in the winter months due to the the colder temperatures, sometimes you find yourself in a situation that you need a professional. Poole’s Plumbing, the Raleigh Emergency Plumbers has several tips and steps to follow in the case of frozen, cracked, or burst pipes from the freezing conditions.

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The Raleigh Emergency Plumbers at Poole’s Plumbing are just a call away from heading your way.

Despite all of the measures discussed in the first of these two posts by the Raleigh Emergency Plumbers at Poole’s Plumbing detailing several ways that you can try to prepare and avoid a winter plumbing situation, sometimes these issues do occur. In the case of a faucet freezing up or a similar type issue, there may be some steps you an take to rectify the issue yourself, but in more complicated cases, it is always best to call the pros at Poole’s and leave the work to our staff of Raleigh Emergency Plumbers.

Indoor Faucets

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Leave the cabinet doors open under the sink to try and keep pipes more heated.

In the case of an indoor faucet at your home or place of business freezing up, the following tips if followed may help you to nip the problem in the bud before any larger problems arise.

  1. Open and then leave the doors to any cabinets below your faucets opened so that more heat can get to them
  2. When you notice that it has gotten extremely cold, run a small bit of water from every valve in your home daily and let the water drip or trickle slowly into your sink.
  3. Be sure to keep all rooms in the house heated and let the warm air circulate freely throughout your entire home.

Already Frozen Pipes

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In the case of an already burst or cracked pipe, contact the experts at Poole’s Plumbing.

If you do wind up with a burst or cracked pipe, you will likely need the Raleigh Emergency Plumbers for a service call. However, the following four steps can help if the pipes have frozen up on you and possibly avoid a more serious problem.

  1. Be sure you have no problems when the ice does melt inside the frozen pipe. Turn off your main shut off valve before you check.
  2. To relieve the pressure in the faucets, leave them turned on as the ice melts.
  3. Use either a heat gun or a hair dryer to help thaw the pipes.
  4. Remember that under NO circumstances should you use any type open flame or torch to attempt to thaw the pipes.

By utilizing the tips from the Raleigh Emergency Plumbers at Poole’s Plumbing you can avoid a plumbing disaster. To see the previous blog post for these other tips, visit the Poole’s Plumbing blog at

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Keep the Water Flowing All Winter by Thawing and Avoiding Frozen Pipes

The second installment of our “winter plumbing tips,” will focus on your role in dealing with or avoiding all together the issue of frozen pipes. We all know that as the fall months of October and November turn over into the frosty winter months of December and January here in North Carolina, there is still a chance of winter plumbing hazards. However, thanks to the most trusted name in Raleigh professional plumbers, Poole’s Plumbing, you can follow the easy steps below, to try and steer clear of a costly catastrophe by Thawing and Avoiding Frozen Pipes.

When Temperatures Reach Freezing, Know How to Treat Pipes in All Locations


Temperatures may drop below freezing, but there are ways to thaw and avoid frozen pipes altogether.

When it comes to needing to know the proper steps in Thawing and Avoiding Frozen Pipes is the recent colder weather we have seen in the past two weeks that has dipped at night below 40 degrees and even into the lower 30’s. Your pipes can freeze once the temperature does drop to 32 degrees Fahrenheit and those most vulnerable to the possibility of freezing would be any located in a basement area, a crawl space, an unconditioned or unfinished attic, those located on an exterior wall, and even pipes located underground.

When looking at it in those terms, pretty much any homeowner would have some type of piping in one of those location, thus, the Raleigh plumbing experts at Poole’s Plumbing can assist you with a few key pointers for Thawing and Avoiding Frozen Pipes at each location you may have them. If you happen to turn on a faucet and no water pours out, it could be due to a blockage caused by ice and in each given location, these following “do-it-yourself” tips could prove priceless in avoiding disaster.

Exposed Pipes

  • Remember to open up the faucet to relieve pressure
  • When suspecting a possible frozen pipe, always shut off the main water supply in case it has burst
  • Usage of a hair dryer, electric heating pad, or space heater can help in thawing. However, never use an open flame to try and thaw an exposed pipe.

Use of a hair dryer is one possible way of thawing frozen pipes.

Pipes Behind a Wall

  • The easiest and safest method with these pipes is to turn your thermostat up and wait for them to thaw.
  • If immediately attention required carefully cut a whole in the wall near the pipe. Then utilize any of the above methods listed for thawing an exposed pipe

Avoiding Frozen Pipes in the Future

  • Before the winter months arrive, be sure that all garden hoses are disconnected from any spigots
  • Keep a faucet that may be connected to a line that would be in danger of freezing open. This will allow just a small trickle of cold water to run over night
  • Keep cabinets that it below your sinks open to allow the warm air from your home to circulate around them
  • Insulate any exposed, external wall pipes
  • Never leave your thermostat below 55 degrees in any situation. Even if going out of town or on vacation for an extended period of time.

By following these tips from the pros at Poole’s Plumbing, you can Thaw and Avoid Frozen Pipes. In doing so, you also can avoid serious water and financial damage with very little preparation or effort. In the case that a pipe has broken or cracked, you can contact the experts at Poole’s Plumbing here.

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Avoid Water Back-Up and Frozen Pipes with Winter Plumbing Tips

Our next series featuring pointers to help you save will be getting you ready for the upcoming cold weather months. To begin, in this article, we will look at three major areas that could prove costly if not addressed or monitored in the winter months. Likewise, we will provide you simple Winter Plumbing Tips that will allow you to keep an eye on these areas and avoid unneeded spending and major damage.

Winter Plumbing Tips to Keep Water Warm and Wallets Closed!

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Keeping an eye out to be sure your pilot light stays lit is always a smart move.

A common area causing issues as the temperatures dip below freezing is with your hot water system. Whether your hot water heater is tankless or the more conventional model, our Winter Plumbing Tips can help you to keep water temperatures up even when outdoor temperature plummet.

The first of our Winter Plumbing Tips regarding your water heater may seem obvious to read but could be easily overlooked. This is simply to monitor and be sure that the temperature is set and stays at a high enough setting. Continuing with the “obvious but important,” in our Winter Plumbing Tips, we move along to the pilot light.

This comes into play for those who have a gas water heater and simply stated, give a random check every so often, to be sure that it remains lit. The third of our Winter Plumbing Tips “around” the water heater is again a reminder. That reminder is to have your water heater serviced regularly, and having it serviced before the temperature drop in winter is recommended.

If you have kept up with these three simple Winter Plumbing Tips, and still are not getting adequate temperature or volume of water, it’s best to call the professionals. At this point, the Raleigh water heater experts at Poole’s Plumbing can advise or if needed rectify the issue.

Thawed and Flowing Pipes Equal Dry and Happy Homeowners


If you notice a restricted water flow, frozen pipes could be your issue.

The next of our Winter Plumbing Tips addresses the freezing of pipes in your house. This is a common issue that can prove messy and costly if not kept on top of. A combination of high water pressure from your main and the freezing winter temperatures are the cause of frozen pipes. As stated with the water heaters above, the key to avoiding an issue is all in awareness.

To be aware or monitor your pipes can be done by following the subsequent Winter Plumbing Tips. First, the most obvious way you may detect a frozen pipe is if you notice restricted water flow. Thus, once the temperature starts dropping in the upcoming weeks, keep an eye on this. In th case that you do feel a pipe may be frozen, the next of our Winter Plumbing Tips is another easy way to check.

If you do have reason to believe a pipe has become frozen, you may leave your tap open slightly. This will allow water flow and the movement helps to prevent freezing. If leaving the tap open is not an option, or if you try these Winter Plumbing Tips and freezing persists, you should first turn off the main water switch. Once the main is cut off, it then is time to call and let the Raleigh professional plumbers, Poole’s Plumbing step in and assist.

Checking the Hose Can Avoid Flooding and Woes

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A frozen garden hose can lead to much bigger problems, including a pipe leaking or breaking.

One of the most catastrophic plumbing issues in the cold, or anytime, can be a water line leak or break. In the instance of either of these water line issues, severe damage and expense are sure to accompany. In a recurring theme, our Winter Plumbing Tips to avoid water line problems centers around awareness and monitoring the issue.

Perhaps surprisingly, a water line leak or break could stem from a frozen garden hose. How this can occur is when your hose connects to a spout when the temperatures reach freezing. If the hose still connects following the “freeze,” the ice inside the hose will gradually cause pressure to build up in your water lines. If this is not noticed and attended to, it will lead to a leak or break in your lines. Thus, when the severe cold is predicted, or even before, make sure all hoses and outdoor pipes are drained and the hoses are disconnected.

Winter Plumbing Tips : Insulate, Drain, and Keep Free to Avoid the Freeze

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Keeping a “faucet jacket” or some type of cover on outdoor faucets can combat the cold.

Staying outdoors with our pointers, installing insulated faucet jackets to all outdoor faucets will help to combat freezing weather. Likewise, locating your shut-off valves and utilizing them to drain water from your pipes can avoid a potential freeze. (These valves are often located underneath sinks and alongside water heaters.)

Last of our Winter Plumbing Tips, is to recognize that water drainage can be restricted by snow on the ground. If snow accumulates in the area surrounding your sump pump discharge line it can lead to back-up or freezing issues. Thus, knowing where this line is located and keeping it free of snow can save from a plumbing disaster.

When is it time to call the pros at Poole’s Plumbing?

You may follow these Winter Plumbing Tips and monitor each of these areas, yet still feel there is a problem. If this occurs, its time to call the pros. The most trusted name in Raleigh area plumbing, Poole’s Plumbing can both advise and rectify any plumbing issue. This includes during the cold winter months when freezing, cracking, and other disasters occur. To contact the experts at Poole’s, visit

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The Leak Smart System: Getting to the “Heart” of the System

In this, our second post introducing the Leak Smart System, we begin looking at how the system actually works. While some are intimidated by technology, you can rest assured, this is one system that’s as easy as can be with options to find just the right system for you. In addition to explain how the Leak Smart System “detects and protects,” we start looking at individual parts of the system. In this article, we discuss the “heart” of the system, the sensors.


The Leak Smart sensors can lead to bog saving and avoid a simple leak becoming a complex disaster.

Detection and Protection

At, it explains, that “the Leak Smart System features sensors, a smart valve, a central hub, and a mobile app.” It continues to say the following. “These components ‘talk’ to each other to protect your home and keep you in control, wherever you are.”

The same section of the official website for the Leak Smart System further explains. “Leak Smart is a smart home solution that detects leaks and shuts off a home’s water main in 5 seconds or less.” It concludes, “protecting your home and everything in it from the devastation of water damage.”

The “Heart” of the System: The Sensors

We will tackle the different “valves” in our upcoming third post on the Leak Smart System. However, in this post we continue our introduction to the “world’s most intelligent leak and flood protection system with the “heart” of the system, the sensors.


The Range Extender (pictured) boosts the sensors, allowing them to protect larger homes.

As also described at, the sensor is a main part of the system. “The compact, waterproof Leak Smart Sensor detects leaks and monitors temperatures at high-risk areas in your home.” For those with. larger homes, the Leak Smart System has a “range extender,” to boost signals from the sensors and allow protection for a range of up to 6,000 square feet.

The site goes on to detail the following features of the sensors.

Key Features of the Leak Smart System Sensors:

  • Detects leaks and monitors temperature
  • Signals your Leak Smart Cut-in Valve or Snap Valve Controller to automatically shut off water the moment it detects a leak
  • Triggers an audible alarm, flashes blue, and sends instant notifications via email, text, and push notifications
  • Configures detect mode (to notify)
  • Configures protect mode (to notify and shut off valve)
  • Sensors are waterproof and fit into tight spaces without shifting or sliding

The Most Trusted Name in Raleigh Plumber’s Poole’s Plumbing is Now the Leak Smart “Pro’s” in the Triangle Area!

Already the name you know to trust for 24/7 emergency plumbing, water heater maintenance and installation, and more, you can now add another check in the “expert” column. Poole’s Plumbing is now offering the Leak Smart System and has all the answers you need. To contact the “Raleigh plumbing professionals,” visit

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Simple. Smart. Secure. Introducing Leak Smart, the World’s Most Intelligent Water Security System

The Raleigh professional plumbers at Poole’s Plumbing are now offering the “World’s Most Intelligent Water Security System,” Leak Smart.

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Shown is the LeakSmart “Snap,” a shutoff valve controller that is part of the water security system.

In the following series of posts, we will focus on the incredible Leak Smart home water protection systems. The company’s official website describes it’s system as follows. “Leak Smart provides a complete system of smart home products to protect your home from potentially catastrophic water damage even when the power and Wi-Fi are down.”

Home Protection to the Next Level with a Storied Past

To understand the current and future of home water protection systems, one first must turn to the past. This age-old adage applies to the Leak Smart brand as well, with a legacy of over 85 years of providing bathroom and kitchen hardware.

In explaining the origins, of Leak Smart at their official website the following is explained. “Our story begins with Waxman Industries.” The “Our Origins” section at begins.It goes on to detail the Waxman Industries history leading to the introduction of this product, as well as bathroom and kitchen waxhardware products and accessories for nearly 85 years.”

“You may not have heard of Waxman before,” the post continues. “but you’ve certainly used one of their products.”

The Mission: Protecting Home and Family

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The experts at Poole’s Plumbing are a licensed dealer and installer of the Leak Smart system.,

Leak Smart has become the “safety net” and “protector” from water damage for businesses and families alike. According to its official website, the company’s mission statement is as follows.

“At Leak Smart, we are on a mission to protect every home and family in the world from catastrophic water damage caused by devastating leaks and floods.”

The most trusted name in Raleigh NC plumbing, Poole’s Plumbing are an authorized dealer and installer of LeakSmart. This is the first article in a series that will detail “The World’s Most Intelligent Leak and Flood Protection System.”

For more on all the services offered by Poole’s Plumbing, visit


Sewer Pipe Maintenance: How to Remove Tree Roots from Sewer Pipe

In our initial post dealing with clogged pipes, we documented different ways in which roots can end up in your sewer pipes. Continuing with this, our final post of the series, we will explain what you can do at home to maintain the sewer pipes or identify the issue. In this final posting, there are still two major questions to answer on the topic of Sewer Pipe Maintenance.  

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ABS and PVC pipes see less tree root intrusion at first.

Are Some Sewer Pipes More or Less Susceptible to Root Damage Than Others?

The first Sewer Pipe Maintenance question is one that is not always obvious in encountering this issue. While some pipe materials are more resistant to roots penetrating the sewer pipe, eventually over time all are susceptible. Different types of ABS and PVC pipes, are less likely to see an intrusion by tree roots. On the contrary, vitrified clay pipes would be more susceptible to root issues. As time passes natural causes like ground settling, freezing and thawing, put all sewer pipes in danger of root intrusion.

The “hydro-jetting” done by the pros at Poole’s Plumbing is one way method of Sewer Pipe Maintenance

What can  You Do to Remove Tree Roots From Sewer Pipes?

In most cases, the method which is used in removing roots from sewer pipes is an auger or a water powered method, much like the Raleigh NC professional plumbers at Poole’s Plumbing’s hydrojetting method. This innovative method uses high pressure jets of water to remove build-up and debris in clearing sewer lines. Additionally, by “hydro-jetting,” you can removes all debris, roots included without tearing up your yard or pavement.

If you feel that you are having issues with Sewer Pipe Maintenance/roots in your sewer pipes, and need removal or are interested in having the most trusted name in Raleigh plumbers, Poole’s Plumbing come out to rectify the issue before it becomes a more messy and costly one, you can check into their hydro-jetting service and contact them at

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Clogged Sewer Drains and How Tree Roots End Up in a Sewer Pipe

As we move on from our “clogged sink drain” series, we will continue to discuss “clogs” but n a more severe level. There may be no bigger of a plumbing issue than when a problem arises with clogged sewer drains. In this the first post focusing on Clogged Sewer Drains, we will look at one of the main causes of this. 

What is a Major Cause of Clogged Sewer Drains

Surface roots (shown) are not the tree roots you need to worry about clogging your drain.

The major cause of Clogged Sewer Drains that we will discuss in this post is one of the biggest sources of this problem. main reasons for a sewer backup is when they become clogged by tree roots. While this may seem like an unavoidable occurrence and even unexplainable, the most trusted name in Raleigh plumbers,  has several helpful tips that can expand your knowledge on not only How tree roots end up in your sewer pipe, but also the causes of the problem and some pointers on what your responsibilities are and how to deal and maintain your pipes to avoid severe damage.

How tree roots end up in your sewer pipe

Tree roots in your pipes can cause sewer backups and damage, causing many to ask, “How do they even end up there?” One of the ways the roots end up there, is obviously through either a cracked or loose joint in the sewer line. In many municipalities, roughly 50 percent of tree roots citywide enter through defective lateral sewer pipes. This is the underground piping that runs from your residence or place of business to the city’s sewer main. Maintenance of your own lateral sewer pipe and keeping it in good condition is usually your responsibility up to the point where it ties into the main, which at that point it is the cities. To reduce overflows and guard against damage, inspecting the lateral pipe and if there is an issue repairing or replacing in a timely manner can help to avoid major damage.

What actually causes the roots to grow in pipes?

The tree roots can penetrate the sewer pipe, in an attempt to feed off the water that lays with in.

This is certainly a question that most would ask, and the simplest answer is that the water vapor, which escapes through either a loose joint or a crack in a pipe attracts the roots. Due to this, tree roots inch towards and eventually will penetrate through any possible opening in a sewer pipe and actually feed off the water once inside, helping them to grow. This can even happen during the cold winter months when you may think a tree simply lies dormant, but regardless of the time of year, once inside the pipe, the root will continue to grow until it fills the pipe, leading to backups created by a mass formed from different materials unable to pass through such as, paper, grease, and other solid matter.

In the case of a very large root, combining with the mass, this is what leads to a clogged sewer. If the issue does get to the point where your sewer is clogged, you will need to call an expert like the Raleigh NC plumbers at Poole’s Plumbing to rectify the problem and make sure that the roots are removed as well as checking for structural damage in your sewer pipes.

Signs that Clogged Sewer Drains may be blocked due to roots that you can look for

Regardless of How tree roots end up your sewer, if you suspect there is some type of blockage, you should address the problem immediately and call the Raleigh NC plumbers at Poole’s, as once a root has entered the pipe and begins growing, it is just a matter of time before there is complete blockage and eventually a rupture in the pipe. Signs that a sewer may be experiencing a blockage by tree roots are:

  • Slow flowing drains
  • Gurgling sounds from your toilet bowl
  • Wet areas around floor drains and washing machine

Blockages in your sewer drain due to roots can lead to major plumbing issues. Knowing why tree roots end up in your sewer is the first step to avoiding a major plumbing disaster. For more information and instruction on this issue, check back for our second part in this series. That upcoming article will explain how to identify and what to do in the case of sewer blockage due to tree roots at the “plumbing blog” at


You Can Do It: Identify and Clear a Clogged Drain

In this, the final entry in our series on clogged drains, we will once again advise on how to identify and Clear a Clogged Drain. Continuing where we left off in our second blog entry, these pointers from Poole’s Plumbing can help achieve early detection and likewise, detect and Clear a Clogged Drain before there is a huge mess.

Removing the drain stopper and any debris is a good start to clearing the drain.

Trust in Poole’s Plumbing and Clear Your Mind…oh, and Your Sink Drain!

Once again, we are aware of the common thoughts when one realizes they have any plumbing issue. However, your trusted friends at Poole’s Plumbing once again can set a worried mind at ease. With some easy to remember pointers, you can locate and Clear a Clogged Drain and feel confident doing so.

We will use the example of a clogged kitchen sink to walk you through several steps. To begin on your path to Clear a Clogged Drain, first, take these simple measures.

  • Remove the Sink’s Drain Stoppers
  • Carefully Remove any Visible Debris
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In the case of a double bowl sink, be sure to use a wet rag to block the second drain.

Keeping it Clean: Dishwasher and Clear Drains

We are confident with some advice from the Raleigh plumbing experts at Poole’s that you can Clear a Clogged Drain. Certainly though, “keeping it clean,” or avoiding a messy situation in doing so is something you want to keep in mind. 

Staying true to our mission to Clear a Clogged Drain in the kitchen sink, there are several areas to secure to keep things as dry as possible. These steps below are two you would want to be sure are done before going further in this process.

  • Clamp the dishwasher hose where it is attached to the drain line or disposal under the sink. This will prevent dirty water from backing up into the dishwasher.
  • In the case of a “double bowl” sink, block off one of the drains with a wet rag.

Do not plunge the drain if you have used and chemicals or drain cleaners.

Safety Reminders Before You “Plunge In”

With the hose clamped and second drain blocked, its time to “take a plunge,” literally. Note that there are some precautions to take if you have a garbage disposal in your kitchen sink. Thus, you must refer to the list below on disposals to be certain that the disposal is tended to properly as well.

In contrast, another point of note is that if any cleaners or chemicals have been poured down the drain, you do not want to take these next steps. This would seem obvious, but inhaling these type fumes can be extremely harmful. Similarly, plunging when these chemicals are present in a drain could lead to costly damage.


Using a disposal wrench or Allen wrench, rotate to open and clean debris from disposal

Garbage Disposal “Check Points” 

  • If there is a disposal, and it’s not working or is making a loud humming noise when turned on, it is likely jammed with something. 
  • If the disposal is jammed, first, turn it off. Next, either unplug the cord under the sink if it has a plug or turn off the circuit breaker in your main panel box for safety.
  • Once sure the circuit is turned off, insert the disposal wrench. If you don’t have it use an Allen wrench. Put either up into the center of the bottom of the disposal. Rotate accordingly to be sure the disposal is clear of any debris.
  • If initially when turned on the disposal made no noise, check the internal circuit breaker. This is located at the bottom of the unit. Make sure it is not popped out. If it is, press it inward to reset it.
  • Lastly, plug the disposal back in or turn the circuit breaker in the panel box back on, and turn the disposal on again. If still not working, you still can Clear a Clogged Drain. However, you will want to consult the pros at Poole’s Plumbing to regarding the disposal.

Now the Simple Solution to Clear a Clogged Drain

With all safety items checked off, now we are ready to “pop” that drain clear. By following the two simple steps below, you should have your drain running free and clear. 

  • Fill the sink with 3 to 4 inches of water.
  • Use a plunger to plunge the open drain, keeping the other side blocked. Plunge until the standing water swirls down the drain unimpeded. 

While this concludes our three-part series on how to Clear a Clogged Drain, in our next post we will still be “unclogging.” Taking it a step further, Raleigh’s most trusted plumbers, Poole’s Plumbing will move from the smaller drains to the bigger issue of clearing a sewer drain.


Simple Unclogging Drain Home Remedies that Anyone Can Do

Keeping the drain clear in your sink or bathtub  is important for many reasons and you can do this with very little effort. In addition to avoiding a mess, these tips below can help avoid running into costly and dangerous situations. The problems that could arise from a clogged drain range from unpleasant odors to getting pesky drain gnats. With the following Unclogging Drain Home Remedies from Poole’s Plumbing you can “do-it-yourself” and steer clear of issues.

This post will continue as the second in our three articles on clogged drain issues. Sure, everyone knows of the products that can be bought to clear a drain. These may work, but in some cases can add to a problem, however. Thus, our Unclogging Drain Home Remedies are a safe alternative that usually can eliminate the problem.

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A simple solution of baking soda and lemon juice allowed to set for 30 minutes can unclog a drain.

Identify Early and Keep a Constant Watch

While this may seem obvious, the importance and savings it could lead to make it worth stating. Consequently, if you notice buildup starting or that your drain is becoming clogged, always address the issue as soon as possible. The quicker that Unclogging Drain Home Remedies are used, the more likely it is the clog is kept clear.

Of course, as noted above, there are many chemicals and solutions that can be bought over the counter to tackle a clog. However, these powerful chemicals can also be harmful. Not only to those in your house breathing them in, but also you must be sure of the amount you use. Sometimes, too. much of these chemicals can harm the actual plumbing/pipes in the clearing process. These methods as opposed to the Unclogging Drain Home Remedies below, might result in damage. Thus, these methods are best if tried after those listed below.

What Unclogging Drain Home Remedies Should I Try?


A tablespoon of baking soda followed by a half cup of vinegar is one unclogging solution.

Contrary to popular belief, keeping your drains clean and clear is really a simple process that can be done at home. Just a few minutes of your time every few days can make a world of difference. The following are three Unclogging Drain Home Remedies that you can do using household items.

Baking Soda/Lemon Juice Mixture

Each of these simple Unclogging Drain Home Remedy find you taking one basic action. That would be pouring some safe mixture down the drain in hopes of breaking up the clog. This first mixture simply calls for first, putting a tablespoon of baking soda down the drain. Immediately follow that with a 1/4 cup of either lemon juice or vinegar and let this set for 30 minutes. Once the half hour is up, run hot water down the drain to be sure it has cleared through.


A healthy amount of salt in a mixture with hot water can also fight through a clogged drain.

Salt Water Mixture

Just as the above Unclogging Drain Home Remedies instruct, this again has you pouring an easy to make mixture into the drain. Use a strong, amount of salt mixed with hot water for this concaction. Again, after letting it sit, follow this up with a steady stream of hot water. This will keep grease from building up in your drain. Likewise, it will help to eliminate odors also.

Over-the-Counter Chemicals/Solutions

As stated earlier, yes, if not used correctly, these can be more damaging than helpful. However, if used appropriately and in the case that the first two suggestion here don’t work, store-bought solutions may be the answer. Available at basically any supermarket or grocery store, these chemicals would be the last suggestion in “do-it-yourself” remedies. If you do not see the drain becoming unclogged at this point, it is best to call a professional. In calling a professional, the most trusted name in Raleigh plumbing, Poole’s Plumbing will be able to come and analyze and then clear your drain issues in short order.



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Avoid Costly Blockages: Recognize Top Clogged Drain Causes

Following our two-part Fall Plumbing Tips series, the experts at Poole’s Plumbing have decided to continue in educating our loyal customers. There are many areas which will be covered in our upcoming blog posts. However, one that is very simple to address at home and if not monitored can prove costly. Likewise, it can also result in major damage or at very least a mess. Thus, this post will be the first of a three-part series where we begin by helping you recognize the Top Clogged Drain Causes.

Keeping all drains in the house flowing freely may seem an obvious priority. With just simple monitoring and very minimal or no maintenance, you can keep all drains unclogged, avoiding several possible issues. Depending on the Clogged Drain Causes which can occur, you could have a slight problem or an all-out disaster. Messy floor leaks, flooding, costly repairs, or just a terrible aroma developing all can come from many Clogged Drain Causes. We will look below at areas you will have a drain, and the top Clogged Drain Causes to look for in each.

Garbage and Other Disposals


Running your dishwasher only as necessary is one way to keep from causing a clogged drain.

It’s self-evident, but when it comes to Clogged Drain Causes garbage disposals can be a messy business. Bones and large chunks of greasy food can prove troublesome for your garbage disposal and lead to a clogged drain. You’ll want to toss most of these aforementioned offenders into your garbage and not directly into your disposal.

Laundry/Washing Machines

Remember, it is always best to be vigilant when taking care of those seemingly never-ending loads of laundry. Pay attention if and when your clogs tend to happen. If they seem to occur on days you’re running your washing machine then you’ve probably located the source of the problem. Multiple large loads in quick succession can cause the synthetic fabrics of your clothing to gather in drains and foil even your best efforts at keeping your drains free-flowing.



Being sure to keep a proper sized laundry load is yet another way to avoid drain issues.

Much like the washing machine, keeping a consistent watch for and quickly addressing and Clogged Drain Causes with the dishwasher can be very cost-effective. We all know, the dishwasher is a lifesaver after a long day and a painstakingly cooked meal, but every once in a while if it becomes a Clogged Drain Causes, it can create extra work for you. Repeated running of your dishwasher or failure to properly remove solid waste from its innards before running a cycle can cause backups in your drain.

Sewer Line

This one could be a “biggie.” It may come as a surprise to many, but your main sewer line may be behind all your drainage woes. No matter if a clog occurs in an area in the line right beside your house or near the edge of the street, there is the chance it’s the sewer line. Municipalities have different guidelines governing what is your responsibility and what is not regarding the sewer line and you may be on the hook for a repair before you can restore the health of your drains. Check with your municipality to determine how to handle a clogged sewer line.

So, as earlier stated, a lot of unnecessary expenses and headaches, in general, can be avoided or at least minimized by simply being aware of possible Clogged Drain Causes and staying on top of keeping them clean. In the case that you do have a clog or backup issue that has become a concern, the Raleigh professional plumbers at Poole’s Plumbing are always just a call away and waiting to help you nip the problem in the bud before it becomes a plumbing disaster.