Plumbing News and Tips for Homeowners in the Raleigh NC Area, New Product Reviews, Water Heaters and Tankless water heater advice from local certified plumbers.

The most commonly asked question in Plumbing

The most commonly asked question in Plumbing

The number one question people ask about plumbing is: How do I fix a clogged drain?

Having clogged drains is one of the most common plumbing issues homeowners face, ranging from minor to severe problems. Fortunately, several ways exist to identify and resolve the issue without calling a professional.

First, it’s essential to determine if the clog is in your main line or a branch line. This can be done by pouring water slowly into both lines (if possible). If the water takes a long time to flow down the pipe, you likely have a clog in that line. Once you’ve identified the problem, it’s time to take action!

The traditional plunger is one of the most common methods to unclog a drain. To use it, you’ll need to plug the adjacent sink or tub so that air pressure can build up in the pipe and push out the clog. However, if this doesn’t work after several attempts, it’s time to move on to other solutions.

A drill (a snake) is another great option for clearing clogs from any drain pipe. The drill has a long wire-like attachment that can be fed through narrow pipes and bends to remove debris blocking the water flow. This should help eliminate your clogged pipes correctly without calling a professional plumber.

Lastly, consider using a chemical drain cleaner if all else fails. Chemical drain cleaners are sold in most hardware stores and can quickly dissolve clogs with corrosive chemicals. However, it’s essential to use caution when handling these products since they can cause irritation or even burns to the skin. Furthermore, chemical cleaners should not be combined with other solutions such as plungers or augers – use one method at a time!

Clogged drains are an unfortunately common plumbing issue that homeowners have to deal with occasionally. So with the proper knowledge and tools, you can care for almost any clog without calling a professional plumber. Understanding what causes clogging and how to address it correctly can save you time, energy, and money in the long run.

Another common plumbing issue that many homeowners face and ask about is a running toilet.

How do I stop my toilet from running?

clogged drain

So, a running toilet can be caused by a few issues, such as an improperly configured flapper, an old or worn float ball, or a broken fill valve. In most cases, the problem can be resolved with basic troubleshooting and DIY repair:

  1. Inspect the flapper to ensure it is positioned correctly over the drain hole at the tank’s bottom. If not, adjust its position to seal off the tank’s water supply when appropriately flushed.
  2. Check for mineral deposits on the float ball or fill valve; these deposits can sometimes prevent them from sealing off the water supply correctly and cause your toilet to run continuously.
  3. Inspect the fill valve for any visible cracks or other damage and replace it if necessary.

With these steps in mind, you should be able to fix a running toilet successfully!

Good luck! And remember – when in doubt, call a professional plumber! They have all of the right equipment and knowledge needed to get your plumbing back up and running like new quickly.

What you need to know during a Boil Water Advisory

What you need to know during a Boil Water Advisory

What you need to know during a Boil Water Advisory. A boil water advisory is issued when drinking water quality is compromised or may be contaminated with microbes or other hazardous materials. Boil water advisories are typically given when there has been a break in the supply line, when a sanitary survey reveals bacteria or other contaminants or when natural disasters have caused flooding that could put drinking water at risk of contamination. Following all instructions carefully during a boil water advisory is essential, as this will help protect you and your family from potential harm.

When a boil water advisory is issued, it means that there is a risk of potential contamination in the drinking water supply. This could be due to a break in the supply line or pipes, infiltration of surface water, or cross-connection between different water sources. Additionally, natural disasters such as flooding can cause significant disruption to the water systems and increase the chance of contaminated drinking water. These other Bacteria, such as E. coli and coliform, can enter the drinking water supply during these situations, making it unsafe to consume without boiling first. It is essential to adhere to any boil advisories issued by your local health department or water supplier to protect your health and safety.

If you have been issued a boil water advisory, taking the necessary steps to ensure your drinking water is safe is essential. Here are some key things to keep in mind when dealing with a boil water advisory:

Boil Water Advisory

Boil Water Advisory
  1. Boil your drinking and cooking water for at least one minute. As this will help kill any bacteria or other contaminants that may be present in the water.
  2. Avoid using tap water for brushing teeth, washing dishes, food preparation, or making ice cubes until the boil order has been lifted.
  3. If using an appliance that requires running tap water – such as a dishwasher, water heater, or washing machine – use bottled or boiled water instead of tap water.
  4. If you cannot boil water, you may be able to use an alternate method of disinfection, such as adding four drops of unscented bleach per liter (or quart) of cold tap water. Wait at least 30 minutes after adding the bleach before using any water.
  5. If your plumbing is connected to a private well or another non-public source, contact your local health department for additional guidance on appropriate disinfection methods.
  6. Be sure to check with your local health department or water supplier when the boil order has been lifted, and it is safe again to drink tap water without boiling it first.

Following these steps during a Boil Water Advisory may help ensure your water is safe to drink and use. However, if you have any health concerns related to the safety of your drinking water, contact your local health department or water supplier immediately for more information. You can also check your area for Water Advisory information at the OWASA website.

Remember: Boil all drinking and cooking water during a boil water advisory to keep yourself and your family safe!

Future of Plumbing

The Future of Plumbing

The future of plumbing is an exciting prospect. With technological advances, we can now create more intelligent systems that detect problems before they arise and provide more efficient solutions. Smart home automation is also revolutionizing how homeowners interact with their plumbing, allowing them to monitor and control their water usage from any device remotely.

We’re also seeing a shift towards sustainable plumbing solutions like greywater recycling systems, which reduce waste and conserve resources by reusing wastewater for irrigation and other non-potable uses. Different eco-friendly strategies include:

  • Using low-flow fixtures to conserve water.
  • Installing energy-saving devices such as solar hot water systems.
  • Replacing traditional piping materials with safer alternatives like PVC or PEX pipes.

At the same time, plumbing technology is becoming more affordable than ever before. Innovative products like tankless water heaters and combination boilers are now readily available and can significantly save energy costs over time.

The future of plumbing

is looking brighter every day as new technologies continue to make this essential service more efficient and cost-effective for all households. From innovative home automation systems to eco-friendly solutions, the possibilities for transforming our homes into greener living spaces are seemingly endless. With continued advancements in plumbing technology, homeowners can look forward to a future full of convenience and savings.

In addition to these exciting developments, the plumbing industry is beginning to embrace new working methods. For example, many plumbers now offer virtual consultations using video conferencing platforms so that homeowners can get advice from the comfort and safety of their homes. This provides a convenient way for people to get the help they need without leaving the house. Many companies also invest in cloud-based storage systems that allow plumbers to access data quickly and accurately, streamlining customer service and improving overall efficiency.

Sustainable plumbing solutions are becoming increasingly important as we move into the future. From greywater recycling systems that reduce waste and conserve resources to energy-saving devices like solar hot water systems, there are numerous ways in which homeowners can make their plumbing more eco-friendly. Low-flow fixtures also help save water while replacing traditional piping materials with safer alternatives such as PVC or PEX pipes, providing further environmental protection. By embracing these sustainable solutions, we can save money in the long run and play an active role in preserving our planet’s precious resources. The future of plumbing is looking brighter and greener every day. Innovative new technologies are making it easier to create more intelligent, more efficient systems that reduce waste and conserve resources while also providing homeowners with the necessary convenience. Sustainable solutions like greywater recycling systems, low-flow fixtures, energy-saving devices such as solar hot water systems, and safer piping materials can all help make our homes greener living spaces in the years to come. By embracing these eco-friendly strategies now, we can save money and play an active role in preserving our planet’s precious resources for generations to come.

The Future of Plumbing

Overall, it’s an exciting time for plumbing professionals and homeowners looking to upgrade their systems. With state-of-the-art technology at our fingertips, we can now create more innovative, efficient systems that save money and resources in the long run. With continued innovation and advancements, the future of plumbing is looking very bright!

Plumbing Facts

Plumbing Facts, plumbing wis an essential part of any functioning home or business. Without it, you wouldn’t be able to do the many everyday things we take for granted, like flushing a toilet, shower, or washing dishes. Unfortunately, there are some plumbing truths that only some know about, and they can cause problems if neglected. Here are some hard-hitting facts about plumbing that all homeowners should know:

Top Plumbing Facts

  1. Clogs happen – You may have heard that flushing certain items down the toilet will cause clogs in your pipes. This is true!
    Other than human waste (toilet paper) and water, nothing else shouldn’t be flushed as it can cause severe blockages that require professional help.
  2. Regular maintenance is critical – Have your plumbing system in your homes or offices inspected and adequately serviced by a professional every few years to ensure it functions optimally. This could save you from costly repairs and replacements down the line!
  3. Pipe problems can be hidden – Many homeowners don’t realize it, but pipe damage and leaks can occur without visible signs or symptoms. Leaks can appear behind walls or in other hard-to-reach areas, so regular inspection is essential to catch them before they become serious problems.
  4. Pipes freeze in cold weather – It’s essential to understand that pipes can freeze if temperatures drop too low for an extended period. Ensure your pipes are appropriately insulated and exposed to minimal cold air to prevent this.
  5. Be careful with DIY plumbing – Attempting to make repairs or installations on your own may be dangerous and could lead to injury and even illegal, depending on where you live. Unless you have the necessary expertise, it’s best to leave these tasks to a professional plumber who can do them safely and efficiently.
Plumbing system

By understanding these common plumbing truths, you can maintain your home’s plumbing system better and avoid costly problems down the road! However, if there are any questions, please get in touch with Raleigh’s number-one trusted plumber,

Fun Plumbing Facts:
Did you know that around 90%of toilet clogs can be fixed by simply using your plunger?
Did you know the average American can use 150 gallons of water daily?
Did you know your dishwasher uses around 10 gallons of hot water daily?
Did you know that we waste 4 gallons of water every time we leave the water running when brushing our teeth?
Did you know the number of leaks in a home can fill up a swimming pool? Each leak can produce up to 10,0000 gallons of water per year.

Do you know who invented the first flush toilet?
It was Sir. John Harrington made two, one for himself and one for his godmother Queen Elizabeth.

Water Heater

Tankless Water Heaters in Older Homes

Tankless Water Heaters in Older Homes — Excellent Tankless water heaters, also known as on-demand water heaters, can be an energy-efficient upgrade for a home. However, installing a tankless water heater in an older home can present some unique challenges. Older homes may have smaller diameter water supply lines that cannot accommodate the higher flow rates of tankless heaters. They may also have electrical systems that cannot handle the power needs of the heater. However, with some planning and problem-solving, installing a tankless water heater in an older home is often possible.

Installing a tankless water heater in an older home can be tricky. However, not only do you need to make sure that the existing plumbing and electrical systems are up to code, but you also have to consider the age of the house itself. Older homes typically have smaller diameter water supply lines, which may need help to handle the higher flow rates of modern tankless heaters. In addition, electric tankless heaters require more power than most older electrical systems can provide. However, with proper planning and problem-solving, installing a new modern tankless water heater in an older home is still possible.

You can upgrade to an efficient tankless water heater even in an older home with some adjustments and the right tankless model choice. Doing your homework upfront will help ensure you choose the best option for your home’s needs and can address any challenges during installation. Installing a new modern tankless water heater in an older home can significantly upgrade energy efficiency and save money on utility bills. However, it’s essential to consider the age of the house and its existing plumbing and electrical systems before making any decisions. Older homes typically have smaller diameter water supply lines, which may need help to handle the higher flow rates of modern tankless heaters. In addition, electric tankless heaters require more power than most older electrical systems can provide. However, with some adjustments and careful planning, you can still install a new modern tankless water heater in an older home.

Tankless Water Heaters in Older Homes

Here are some steps to take when working with Tankless Water Heaters in older homes:

  1. Check the size of your home’s water supply lines and electrical system. Tankless water heaters typically require a minimum of 3/4-inch water supply lines and a 200-amp electrical service. If your lines or service panel do not meet these requirements, you must upgrade before installing the tankless heater.
  2. Consider a lower flow model. If upgrading your plumbing or electrical system is not feasible, choose a tankless model with a lower flow rate requirement. These typically produce hot water more slowly but can function with smaller supply lines and less power.
  3. Install a circulation pump. If you have long plumbing runs with many fixtures, a circulation pump can help ensure hot water is delivered quickly to all outlets. The pump keeps water moving, so it produces hot water.
  4. Add insulation and heat traps. Insulating your water supply lines and installing heat traps or hot water recirculation valves on fixtures can also help improve the performance of a tankless water heater in an older home. Reducing heat loss means the water heater does not have to work as hard to keep water hot.

Considering these steps when upgrading to a modern tankless water heater in an older home, you’ll surely increase energy efficiency while saving money on utility bills.
For additional questions regarding tankless water heaters, contact us at

Benefits of Ionized Water

Benefits of Ionized Water

The benefits of Ionized water have become increasingly popular as a healthier alternative to regular tap water. It is created through ionization, which uses an electric current to separate water into two components: ionized alkaline and ionized acidic. The result is an incredibly pure and clean form of water that can provide numerous health benefits.

Benefits of Ionized Water

First, the pH level in Ionized Water is higher than in regular drinking water, making it more alkaline. This means that when you drink it, your body will have a much easier time absorbing nutrients due to the increased alkalinity. Additionally, because the pH level is so high, bacteria often cannot survive in this type of water for long periods. As a result, it is much cleaner and safer than regular water.

Ionized water also has antioxidant properties that may protect our body from free radicals that can cause oxidative stress. These free radicals are found in our environment and can lead to various health problems, such as cancer and heart disease, so an effective way to combat them is essential. When you drink ionized water, these antioxidants will neutralize the free radicals, reducing their harmful effects.

Finally, Ionized Water also helps improve digestion by breaking down food particles more thoroughly than regular tap water. This increased breakdown of food makes it easier for those nutrients to be absorbed into your bloodstream and used for energy or other bodily functions. Because of this improved digestion, many people have reported feeling more energized and alert after drinking ionized water.

Overall, Ionized Water is a great way to improve your health and well-being by providing your body with essential minerals and antioxidants that regular tap water cannot offer. You can find ionized water in stores or online for an affordable price, making it a great alternative to normal drinking water if you want something healthier. So consider switching to ionized water today.

Water ionizers are one of the most popular and effective ways to enjoy the benefits of Ionized Water. These machines use electrolysis to separate regular water into alkaline and acidic components. The alkaline part is then passed through a series of filters, including activated charcoal and mineral-rich stones, which help remove impurities!

Water ionizers are among the most advanced and efficient devices for creating ionized water. These machines use electrolysis to break down regular tap water into ionized alkaline and acidic components, completing an incredibly pure form of drinking water. These machines employ filters to remove impurities, including activated charcoal and mineral-rich stones.

Water ionizers are a great way to get healthier, cleaner water. They use electrolysis to separate alkaline and acidic ions in the water, creating two types of water – one with higher pH levels for drinking and cooking and one with lower pH levels suitable for cleaning. This process can help reduce contaminants like lead, copper, mercury, and chlorine from your water.

So, the best water ionizers on the market today offer a variety of features to help you get the cleanest, healthiest water possible. Look for models with an adjustable pH range, so you can customize the alkalinity or acidity of your water as needed. Additionally, many top-of-the-line water ionizers come with filters and other components to reduce contaminants.

When shopping for a water ionizer, looking at the price tag and the offered features is essential. Models with larger capacities are more expensive but may provide better filtration performance. Pay attention to the warranty and customer service policies, too. Quality manufacturers will offer long-term warranties and responsive customer support if you experience any problems with your water ionizer.

Benefits of Ionized Water

Finally, consider where the unit will be installed. If you plan to install it in an area without access to a faucet or other water source, look for a model with an internal reservoir. This will make refilling much easier and more convenient.

Overall, water ionizers are an excellent way to improve the quality of your drinking water while reducing contaminants and impurities. With some research and comparison shopping, you can find the perfect model for your needs.

Your body will thank you!

Plumbing Issues, Don’t let April Showers Spoil Your Day!

We know the old saying, “April showers may bring May flowers,” but they can also have a less-than-welcomed effect on our plumbing. Water leaks caused by April rain can cause costly damage to our homes, so taking the proper precautions is essential.

Rain can cause major plumbing issues in your home, especially when it comes to water leaks. Heavy rain combined with aging pipes, blocked drains, or a poorly designed system can create excess pressure on your home’s plumbing system. This can lead to water leakage from pipes, fittings, and valves.

If left unchecked, this plumbing issue can cause considerable damage to walls, ceilings, and other parts of the home. That’s why it’s essential to identify potential issues before they become serious problems and contact a professional plumber when you suspect there might be a leak in your plumbing system.

One of the most common culprits of such leaky plumbing is overflowing gutters and downspouts. When the drains become clogged with debris, water can’t flow properly and will build up in your roofing system instead. That excess water can seep into your walls or other home areas, leading to potentially costly damages.

Another possibility is that April showers overload our plumbing systems and cause them to burst or leak. This can happen due to age (older pipes have a higher risk of bursting) or increased water pressure.

Plumbing Issues

Plumbing issues

To avoid these plumbing woes, it’s essential to take some preventative measures during April showers:

  • Clear your gutters and downspouts regularly to ensure proper water flow away from your house.
  • Ensure you have the correct grade pipes; copper and other metals are recommended over plastic, as they are less likely to burst or leak due to pressure.
  • Install a backflow valve that can prevent water from entering your home if there should be an overflow of water in the system.

By taking the proper preventative measures and being aware of the risks, you can avoid a rainy-day disaster in your home.

Happy April, Showers!

Clogged Drain? Learn the Basics of Drain Cleaning.

Clogged Drain? Learn the Basics of Drain Cleaning.

No one likes a clogged drain!

They can be smelly, unsanitary, and inconvenient. Fortunately, many simple solutions are available that don’t have to be difficult, messy, or expensive. Natural drain cleaners such as baking soda and vinegar are effective at breaking up grease and soap buildup in your pipes. For more challenging blockages like hair or food particles, you may need to use more powerful chemical products like liquid plumbers or enzymatic cleaners. If all else fails, there is always the option of hiring a professional plumber who will come in with specialized tools to clear out any stubborn clogs for good! No matter what solution you choose for your clogged drains, it doesn’t have to be an overwhelming task anymore.

Drain cleaning and unclogging solutions don’t have to be difficult, messy, or expensive. The key is knowing how a drain works, what causes clogs and blockages, and how to tackle the job safely.

If you’re dealing with minor blockages caused by soap scum, hair, grease from cooking fat, coffee grounds, foreign objects accidentally flushed down the toilet, or small amounts of food buildup in kitchen sinks, then a good-quality plunger will usually do the trick. Use a flange plunger for bathrooms, creating a better seal around the drain’s opening. To get maximum plunging power, it’s best to fill the bowl or sink with enough water to cover the plunger cup and then use a steady, firm pressure. Another option is using a drain snake or auger. This tool has a long flexible cable that can be fed into the pipe to break up blockages and push them through the system.

Clogged Drain
A tablespoon of baking soda followed by a half cup of vinegar is one unclogging solution.

If these solutions don’t work, it’s time to look into more extreme measures such as chemical cleaners or professional drain cleaning services. Chemical cleaners should only be used as a last resort as they can contain harmful chemicals which could damage your pipes. Professional drain cleaning services usually involve high-pressure water jetting or cabling machines designed to cut through roots, grease, and other debris that might have been blocking your pipes.

Finally, preventative maintenance is the best way to avoid problems with blocked drains. Making sure that you dispose of food waste properly and using a mesh drain guard will help prevent clogs from occurring in the first place. Also, having a plumbing service maintenance contract may be beneficial.

By understanding the basics of how your drains work, assessing what’s causing any blockages, and taking the necessary steps to tackle the problem safely, you can be confident that you’ll be able to unclog your pipes quickly. With some patience and elbow grease, tackling a blocked drain doesn’t have to be such a daunting task! If issues still arise, contact Raleigh’s most trusted professional plumber at

Common Mistakes to Avoid when Installing Plumbing Fixtures

Common Mistakes to Avoid when Installing Plumbing Fixtures

Common Mistakes to Avoid when Installing Plumbing Fixtures — When installing new plumbing fixtures in a home or business, it’s easy to get carried away and overlook the finer details when installing new plumbing fixtures in your home. Plumbing is a complex system, and even tiny mistakes can mean big problems down the line. You should avoid a few simple mistakes when installing new plumbing fixtures to save time, money, and stress.

When installing new plumbing fixtures in your home, several common mistakes should be avoided to ensure the job is done correctly.

First, checking that all necessary tools and materials are available before starting any installation process is essential. This includes pipe wrenches, screwdrivers, Teflon tape, pipe cutters, and other specialty tools, depending on the type of fixture installed. Taking a few moments to ensure everything you need is ready can save you time in the long run.

Second, ensure all existing water lines are shut off before beginning installation. This ensures you don’t have gallons of water spilling out when making connections or adjustments.

Also, turn off any existing water supply lines before you start working on the fixture. This may seem obvious, but it’s easy to forget in the heat of the moment and can result in a big mess!

Some fixtures also require electricity for proper installation – if this is the case, ensure you are familiar with electrical wiring or hire a qualified electrician to do the job safely and correctly.

Common Mistakes to Avoid when Installing Plumbing Fixtures

If electricity is required for the fixture, hiring a qualified electrician to do any necessary wiring or installations safely and correctly is essential.

Third, install new plumbing fixtures and double-check all connections before turning on the water supply. Even small leaks or weak connections can cause significant problems down the line, so it pays to be thorough when installing fixtures. Ensure all pipes are securely connected and no loose parts remain before testing the new institution.

Finally, even if something doesn’t seem quite right during the installation process, don’t hesitate to start over from scratch if necessary – better safe than sorry! If a mistake is made during installation, it could mean more costly repairs down the road, so take care not to rush through it or cut corners to complete the job quickly.

By avoiding these common mistakes when installing new plumbing fixtures, you can ensure your project is successful and hassle-free! With just a little knowledge and preparation, you can ensure that your installation goes smoothly and with minimal stress. Don’t let plumbing woes get in the way of home improvement – plan and be prepared for any potential issues before they arise!

Benefits of A Professional Service Contract

Benefits of A Professional Service Contract

Benefits of a professional service contract. A professional plumbing service contract can benefit your home or business. Not only will you have access to trained experts and the latest cutting-edge equipment, but you’ll also be able to rest easy knowing that your system is in good hands.

It also helps ensure that your plumbing systems are running efficiently and up to code, ensuring your safety. Lastly, having reliable coverage through a service contract means that you don’t have to worry about making on-the-spot decisions when it comes to plumbing disasters – your trusted plumbing provider is always just a phone call away for any issue or concern.

Here are some of the advantages of signing up for a plumbing service contract.

Benefits of A Professional Service Contract

Lower Repair Costs: A plumbing service contract can save you money in the long run by helping to prevent costly repairs from developing over time. By signing up for regular maintenance visits, any minor problems can be caught early on and fixed before they become more significant. Additionally, if there is ever an emergency with your plumbing system, having a service contract could help keep repair costs down.

Improved Efficiency: Plumbing systems that are adequately maintained will work more efficiently and last longer. A professional plumbing contractor can help ensure your system is regularly inspected, tested, and serviced, so it runs at peak efficiency for many years.

Increased Safety: Poor plumbing maintenance can lead to serious health hazards and property damage from flooding or water leaks. With a service contract, you can rest assured that any issues related to your plumbing system are handled promptly and professionally by experts who know what they’re doing.

Professional plumbing services can be the difference between a minor inconvenience and a major headache. From routine maintenance to emergency repairs, qualified and experienced professionals are equipped to handle any plumbing situation efficiently and promptly. A skilled plumber can also diagnose potential problems before they become costly disasters, preventing expensive damages in time and money. Professional plumbers have access to the latest technology, tools, and materials, allowing them to tackle even the most challenging jobs. Their expertise also allows them to install or modify new systems quickly with minimal disruption. Overall, there is no substitute for professional knowledge and skill in plumbing services.

Preventing Plumbing Damage

Preventing Plumbing Damage — Spring Thaw tips for Saving Water and Preventing Damage

Preventing Plumbing Damage, the spring thaw is a time of dread for many homeowners, as it can mean plumbing nightmares. Exposed pipes may freeze, burst, and cause expensive water damage in the home. However, a few easy steps can prevent your plumbing from becoming an outdoor swimming pool this spring.

As the weather warms up and snow melts, it’s essential to maintain a healthy sewer system this spring. Spring thaw can cause flooding and other water-related damage if not properly managed, so homeowners and those responsible for keeping sewers must be aware of the risks and take proactive measures. Here are some tips on preparing your property for the spring thaw by conserving water and preventing potential damage.

First off: wrap up those exposed pipes! Insulation is your best friend when it comes to keeping lines from freezing. Even if you think the pipes are in an area that won’t freeze, it’s better to be safe than sorry. Just wrap them up with foam insulation, and you’ll be ready.

Next up: Know where to shut off your main water valve in an emergency. Please find out how to turn it off if a pipe bursts and you need to quickly stop the water flow, or make sure a professional show you how to locate and operate it.

Finally, if the pipe bursts or leaks, don’t panic! Go to your main valve, shut the water off, and immediately seek professional help. Trying to fix it yourself could lead to more damage and costlier repairs.

Preventing Plumbing Damage

Preventing Plumbing Damage
  1. Maintain your gutters: Taking care of your home’s gutters should always be at the top of any homeowner’s list for preventing water-related damage during the spring thaw. Cleaning out your gutter system regularly helps avoid ice damming – which can lead to flooding and basement moisture issues – and minimizes soil erosion and foundational damage risk.
  2. Inspect drains and downspouts: Make sure all of your home’s outdoor gutters and downspouts are in good condition, as well as any drainage systems on your property. Go ahead and check for any clogs or blockages that could slow the flow of water when the snow melts, leading to flooding or pooling around the foundation.
  3. Monitor spring showers: Spring showers can be unpredictable, so paying attention to weather forecasts and anticipating large storms that may cause flooding is essential. If needed, install sandbags or temporary barriers around vulnerable areas of your property to prevent water from entering buildings or damaging landscaping.
  4. Install a sump pump: To protect your home from potential flooding further, consider installing a sump pump to ensure that water is quickly and efficiently redirected away from your property. This can help minimize any damage caused by heavy spring rains or snowmelt.
  5. Preparing your property for the spring thaw can help conserve water and protect your family and home from costly repairs. With these tips in mind, you’ll be better equipped to handle whatever Mother Nature throws you this spring!

Take time to protect your home – be prepared now and rest easy all season long.

Happy thawing! |

Eco-friendly Plumbing Solutions

Eco-friendly Plumbing Solutions Going green with eco-friendly plumbing solutions is a great way to demonstrate your commitment to reducing your environmental footprint and creating a healthier, safer environment for yourself, your family, and the planet. Eco-friendly plumbing solutions provide many benefits, including reduced water consumption, improved air quality, and fewer pollutants entering our waterways.

With new developments in technology and materials, it’s easier than ever to find plumbing solutions that are more environmentally friendly. 

Water conservation

Water conservation is essential for a sustainable future, and plumbing plays a vital role. Plumbing systems can be designed, installed, and maintained to conserve water in our homes, businesses, and institutions. We can reduce our water consumption without sacrificing comfort or convenience by implementing the proper measures.

From low-flow fixtures to rainwater harvesting systems, there are many ways that plumbing professionals can help us save precious resources. Low-flow toilets use just 1 gallon per flush instead of the traditional 5 gallons, while low-flow shower heads reduce water usage by up to 60%. Rainwater harvesting systems collect runoff from roofs and other surfaces for reuse in gardening or laundry applications. Other techniques like grey water recycling involve diverting wastewater from sinks and showers back into toilet tanks, significantly reducing water waste.

Eco-friendly and sustainable living encompasses practices that strive to help reduce the environmental impact of everyday activities in our society.

This includes reducing waste and conserving resources and your household. Low-flow faucets are one of the most common eco-friendly plumbing solutions available today. They help reduce water waste by limiting water use when filling containers or washing dishes. Tankless water heaters are also becoming increasingly popular, as they only heat water when needed, which helps reduce energy costs and eliminates standby energy losses associated with traditional storage tank systems. Other natural insulation products, such as recycled cotton fiber materials, can be installed in existing pipes to separate hot and cold air without harmful chemicals. In contrast, chemical-free cleaners made from natural ingredients such as baking soda and vinegar can clean drains without introducing additional pollutants into the environment.

Eco-friendly Plumbing Solutions

When selecting eco-friendly plumbing solutions for your home, it’s essential to research the various options available and determine which ones are best suited to meet your needs. For example, high-efficiency toilets are designed with special high-efficiency flush valves that use less water than regular models; this is great for reducing utility costs and water waste. In addition, showerheads with adjustable settings allow you to adjust the amount of water used each time you take a shower, which helps conserve water without sacrificing comfort or convenience.

Finally, when considering eco-friendly plumbing solutions, it’s essential to look for those certified by organizations like WaterSense or Energy Star. These certifications indicate that the product has been tested and verified to meet specific environmental standards to ensure its sustainability and longevity. Investing in these certified products can help ensure that your home’s plumbing system remains safe and efficient while also helping protect the environment around it. Eco-friendly plumbing solutions provide an excellent opportunity to reduce your utility bill while making your home more sustainable — something everyone should be proud of!

Learn more at

The Love of Plumbing Celebrate This Year with a New Fixture

The Love of Plumbing Celebrate This Year with a New Fixture

Plumbing is a profession that not many people think of when they imagine a satisfying career. But for those who love it, plumbing can be an incredibly fulfilling job that brings joy to their customers and themselves.

Whether you’re a professional plumber or just interested in the trade, it’s easy to see why so many are drawn to this type of work. Plumbing requires problem-solving skills, creativity, and attention to detail – all attributes that satisfy any severe worker. And even better, plumbing has the potential for long-term career opportunities and immediate economic success.

Investing in new plumbing fixtures can significantly affect how efficiently your home plumbing system runs. More recent models are often more energy efficient than older ones and provide more significant water pressure and temperature control. If you’ve ever endured cold showers because of low water pressure or been scalded by hot water due to faulty temperature controls, then investing in a newer model is definitely worth the money.

Besides the obvious benefits of improved performance, there are also aesthetic benefits from upgrading your plumbing fixtures. You can find plenty of stylish options available on the market today to fit any decorating style and budget – from modern looks with sleek surfaces to classic designs with ornate details and finishes. So upgrading your fixtures doesn’t have to be just about practicality – you can enjoy them while they look great simultaneously!

Another benefit of investing in new plumbing fixtures is that it saves you money on repairs down the line. Older institutions tend to wear out quicker over time, which means replacing them more often, something no one wants on their budget! By replacing faulty parts before they become too worn out, you will save time and money by avoiding costly repair bills later on down the road.

For those who find joy in plumbing work (and even those who don’t!), investing in new fixtures can be a rewarding experience with plenty of benefits for both your home and wallet alike! From improved efficiency and performance to aesthetic value and long-term savings – investing in new plumbing comes highly recommended for anyone looking for an upgrade.

The Love of Plumbing Celebrate This Year with a New Fixture. With the ever-growing list of plumbing fixtures available, deciding which one will best meet your needs can be challenging. Before making a decision, it is essential to consider the purpose of the fixtures and their intended use, as well as their design and aesthetic appeal. Contact your trusted plumber for ideas and recommendations from traditional styles for a classic look to more modern techniques for contemporary living to all the conventional methods.

What Every Homeowner Should Know About Plumbing Maintenance

What Every Homeowner Should Know About Plumbing Maintenance. Plumbing maintenance is an essential part of home ownership. Neglecting proper plumbing upkeep can lead to several costly problems that can be difficult and expensive to repair. Homeowners need to know the basics of plumbing maintenance to protect their homes and wallet from avoidable damages.

What Every Homeowner Should Know About Plumbing Maintenance

The first step of plumbing maintenance is prevention. Preventive measures such as cleaning drains, removing debris from gutters, and checking pipes regularly are important ways to avoid common clogs, leaks, and other damage. Homeowners should also be aware of water pressure levels in their homes, as high water pressure can cause pipe damage over time.

Homeowners need to understand the different types of materials used in plumbing systems, too. Various pipework will have different thresholds for temperature, pressure, and chemical composition – all things which must be considered when performing maintenance on plumbing systems. For example, brass fittings can corrode with exposure to chlorine over time; steel piping must be protected against corrosion; PVC piping should not come into contact with temperatures above 140°F; copper piping is vulnerable to pinhole leaks if exposed to acidic water; galvanized pipes may need replacing after as little as 15 years due to rusting; and PEX tubing needs protection from UV light exposure if it’s installed outdoors. Knowing the type of material used in your plumbing system is vital for proper maintenance protocols.

When performing repairs or replacements on a home’s plumbing system, they must be done correctly so there are no leaks or compromised seals that could cause further problems. It’s best practice for DIYers trying their hand at repairs or replacements themselves to consult with a qualified plumber beforehand, so they understand the steps required for a successful job.

Finally, homeowners should know that some fixtures may require replacement over time due to wear-and-tear or outdated technology. Toilets older than 15 years old use significantly more water than modern models do and should be replaced if possible; showerheads also become clogged or corroded over time, requiring periodic replacement; faucets may eventually start leaking or become stuck due to hard mineral deposits or corrosion build-up inside the aerator screen; old valves may leak due to worn parts needing replacement; and tankless water heaters may need descaling every 2-3 years depending on local conditions like the hardness of tap water (mineral deposits) in the area they’re located in. Keeping track of components in our homes that require regular maintenance is one way to ensure our homes remain safe and efficient throughout the year – saving money and protecting against unnecessary damages over time!

why you should always hire a licensed plumber

Why you should always hire a licensed plumber!

Why you should always hire a licensed plumber! There are many reasons you should always put into high consideration to hire a licensed plumber. First and foremost, licensed plumbers must adhere to strict safety standards when performing any work. This means that you can rest assured that your home and family are safe when a licensed professional is working on your plumbing. Additionally, licensed plumbers must keep up with the latest advancements to provide the best possible service.

Why you should always hire a licensed plumber!

This means that you can trust that a licensed plumber will have the knowledge and experience necessary to properly assess and resolve any plumbing issue you may be facing. Hiring a licensed plumber also provides peace of mind in knowing that should something go wrong, you have recourse through their licensing board. For all these reasons and more, it’s always best to hire a licensed professional when dealing with any plumbing issue.

Licensed plumbers undergo rigorous training and exams to ensure their knowledge is up-to-date to safely and effectively perform plumbing services. In addition, if you hire a licensed plumber, you have protection from potential errors or malfunctions. 

A licensed professional will be held accountable for their work, meaning if something goes wrong with the service provided, you have legal recourse to get it fixed or compensated for.

Finally, hiring a licensed plumber also provides peace of mind that the job was completed correctly and efficiently the first time around – saving you time, money and hassle.

All these factors combine to make it essential to hire a licensed professional when dealing with plumbing issues.

To become a licensed plumber, individuals must undergo comprehensive training and examinations. Training typically involves a combination of classroom learning and in-person apprenticeships under existing professionals, during which they learn the fundamentals of plumbing installation and repair. They must also pass licensing exams administered by their state or local government. 

These exams will test an individual’s knowledge of complex concepts such as mathematics, piping systems, electrical wiring, and much more. Once all the requirements have been met, an individual can be officially certified as a qualified plumber.

There is a wide range of plumbing jobs that require the expertise of a professional. These include installing and maintaining water, sewer, and gas pipes and repairing fixtures such as toilets, sinks, and faucets.

A professional plumber is also necessary for addressing any issues with the drainage system, and they can diagnose potential problems before they become expensive repairs. 

Raleigh licensed plumber

Professionals are highly recommended for more complex tasks such as replacing or relocating existing piping systems, replacing expired fixtures or installing new plumbing appliances. For all these reasons and more, it is always best to hire a licensed professional when dealing with any plumbing-related job.

For all licensed plumbing needs, contact Raleigh’s most trusted plumber at Poole’s Plumbing.

Choosing the right water heater for your home

Choosing the right water heater for your home

Choosing the right water heater for your home. Water heaters are one of the essential appliances in your home. They provide hot water for showers, washing dishes and clothes, and can even heat your home. However, with so many options, types, and sizes of water heaters, it can be challenging to know which one is right for you.

There’s more to owning a water heater than just heating water. Whether you’re thinking about buying a new one or already have one in your home, it’s essential to know the ins and outs of these appliances.

What you need to know about water heaters:

Choosing the right water heater for your home

How they work: Water heaters use electricity or gas to heat and store it in a tank. The tank size will determine how much hot water you have on hand at any given time.

What they cost: Water heaters can range from around $300 to $1,500. The price will depend on the unit’s type and size, the fuel it uses, and any special features it has.

How to choose the right one: When choosing a water heater, you’ll need to decide on the size, fuel type, and any special features you want. You’ll also need to consider your climate and how much hot water you typically use.

How to maintain them: Water heaters should be flushed out every six months to remove sediment build-up. This will help extend the unit’s life and ensure it works properly. You’ll also need to occasionally check the anode rod and replace it, if necessary.

-If your water heater’s pilot light has gone out, you’ll need to relight it. Here are a few steps to take to get your pilot light burning again:

First, locate the pilot light assembly on your water heater. This is usually located near the bottom of the unit. Once you’ve found it, turn off the gas supply to the team. Then, use a flashlight to inspect the area around the pilot light for debris or blockages.

Next, use a small wire brush to clean off the tip of the pilot light assembly. Once that’s done, turn on the gas and use a long lighter to ignite the pilot light. Hold the flame close to the opening for at least 30 seconds before releasing it.

If the pilot light doesn’t stay lit, you may need to adjust the flame. To do this, turn the knob that controls the gas flow to the “low” setting and relight the pilot light. Once it’s lit, slowly turn the knob back to the “high” setting.

Here is a guide to the different types of water heaters and what you need to know before you buy one.

1. Storage Water Heaters

The storage water heater is the most common type of water heater. This type of water heater will store hot water in a tank and then uses a heating element to keep the water hot. Storage water heaters come in various sizes, so they can be used in homes of all sizes.

2. Tankless Water Heaters

Another type of water heater is the tankless water heater. This type of water heater does not store hot water in a tank. Instead, it heats water on demand, so you only use energy when you need hot water. Tankless water heaters are becoming increasingly popular because they are more efficient than storage water heaters.

3. Solar Water Heaters

Solar water heaters are sustainable by using the sun’s energy to heat water. They are a more environmentally friendly option than other types of water heaters and can save you money on your energy bills. However, solar water heaters require a sunny location and can be expensive to install.

4. Heat Pump Water Heaters

Heat pump water heaters will use electricity to move heat from one place to another. This type of water heater is more efficient than other water heaters and can save you money on energy bills. However, heat pump water heaters require a well-insulated space and can be expensive to install.

Understanding water heaters allow you to choose the right one for your home and budget. And by taking good care of it, you can enjoy many years of hot water.

For more information, contact Raleigh’s most trusted plumber at

Plumbing issues

How to Maintain Your Plumbing During the Coldest Months of Winter

How to Maintain Your Plumbing During the Coldest Months of Winter. January is often a time of new beginnings and resolutions as a new year starts. It can also be a chilly month, with winter weather in full swing as temperatures often dip below freezing. This may create issues for some plumbing systems, so if you are experiencing any problems, taking the necessary steps to prevent or address the case may be essential.

January is typical for plumbing issues, as colder temperatures can most definitely cause pipes to freeze or burst. Unfortunately, this can be expensive to fix and result in extensive damage, making it crucial to be aware of the potential risks during this month.

When a pipe freezes, water pressure increases, leading to a build-up of pressure that can eventually crack or burst the pipe. This can cause significant damage to the home and require expensive repairs.

To help mitigate the risk of water damage from frozen or burst pipes, you should take preventative measures such as insulating exposed pipes and setting your thermostat at 65 degrees or higher when you won’t be home for extended periods.

Additionally, identify and repair any leaking faucets or toilets before the winter months approach. Knowing how to shut off your home’s main water valve is also a must so you can quickly turn off the water supply if necessary.

Winter months can be tough on plumbing systems, but there are numerous products available to help protect and maintain them. Insulation is one of the essential items that should be used to protect pipes from freezing. Pipe sleeves, wraps, and covers will keep your lines from becoming too cold, and insulated faucet covers can prevent outdoor faucets from freezing. Additionally, installing a hot water recirculation pump may help reduce pipe-freezing problems, as it circulates already-hot water through the system when the outside temperature drops. Finally, consider investing in a submersible heater for home ponds or other water features to keep them running smoothly even in the coldest winter months. Always when in doubt, call your trusted plumber.

Homeowners can ensure their plumbing systems stay safe this winter season with all these products and techniques!

10 things you didn't know about plumbers

10 things you didn’t know about plumbers

Did you know that the first recorded use of the word “plumber” was in 1469? 

The Latin word for lead “plumbum.” This is where the term originates.

It was in the early 1800s that plumbing became a more common profession.

Plumbers are responsible for installing and maintaining pipes and fixtures in homes and businesses. They also repair and replace plumbing fixtures when they break.

Here are ten things you probably never knew about plumbers:

10 things you didn’t know about plumbers.If you think you know everything there is to know about plumbers, think again! These skilled professionals are responsible for keeping our homes and businesses safe, clean, and healthy – and they do it all while dealing with some pretty gross stuff. Here are ten things you probably never knew about plumbers:

1. Plumbers have to be able to withstand some pretty powerful smells.

2. They also have to be able to work in very tight spaces.

3. Plumbers must be strong enough to lift heavy pipes and fixtures.

4. They also need to use power tools safely and effectively.

5. Plumbers must know how to read blueprints and other technical drawings.

6. They also need to be able to troubleshoot problems quickly and efficiently.

7. Plumbers have to be able to work in all kinds of weather conditions.

8. They also have to be able to work long hours, often on call.

9. Plumbers need to be certified to practice their trade. Most plumbers are trained through apprenticeship programs. These programs typically last four to five years and combine on-the-job training with classroom instruction.

Plumbers must be licensed in most states. To become licensed, plumbers must pass an exam that tests their knowledge of the National Plumbing Code.

10. The median annual salary for a plumber was $51,450 in May 2019, and the job outlook for plumbers is projected to grow 4% through 2029, around the average growth rate for most occupations.

And last but not least, plumbers are genuinely unsung heroes!

Without them, our homes and businesses would be at risk for severe water damage – and that’s just the beginning. So next time you see a plumber working hard to keep your home or business running smoothly, give them a big thank you – they deserve it!

Types of water heaters explained

Types of water heaters explained

Types of water heaters explained, let’s take a look at the In’s and Out’s of Water Heaters. Water heaters are one of the essential appliances in your home. They provide hot water for showers, washing dishes and clothes, and can even be used to heat your home. But with so many different types and sizes of water heaters on the market, it can be challenging to understand and know which one is right for you.

There’s more to owning a water heater than just heating water. Whether you’re thinking about buying a new one or already have one in your home, it is essential to know the ins and outs of these appliances.

So, Here’s what you need to know about water heaters:

How they work: Water heaters use electricity or gas to heat water and store it in a tank. The tank size will determine how much hot water you have on hand at any given time.

What they cost: Water heaters can range from around $300 to $1,500. The price will depend on the size of the unit, the type of fuel it uses, and any special features it has.

How to choose the right one: When choosing a water heater, you’ll need to decide on the size, fuel type, and any special features you want. You’ll also need to consider your climate and how much hot water you typically use.

How to maintain them: Water heaters should be flushed out every six months to remove sediment build-up. This will help extend the unit’s life and ensure it works properly. You’ll also need to occasionally check the anode rod and replace it, if necessary.

-If your water heater’s pilot light has gone out, you’ll need to relight it. Here are a few steps to take to get your pilot light burning again:

First, locate the pilot light assembly on your water heater. This is usually found near the bottom of the unit. Once you’ve located it on the unit, turn off the gas. Then, use a flashlight to inspect the area around the pilot light for debris or blockages.

Types of water heaters explained

Next, use a small wire brush to clean off the tip of the pilot light assembly. Once that’s done, turn on the gas and use a long lighter to ignite the pilot light. Hold the flame close to the opening for at least 30 seconds before releasing it.

If the pilot light doesn’t stay lit, you may need to adjust the flame. To do this, turn the knob that controls the gas flow to the “low” setting and relight the pilot light. Once it’s lit, slowly turn the knob back to the “high” setting.

Types of water heaters explained.

Here is a small helpful guide to the different types of water heaters and what you need to know before you buy one.

1. Storage Water Heaters

The most common type of water heater that is most used is the storage water heater. The storage water heater will store hot water in a tank and then uses a heating element to keep the water hot. Storage water heaters come in various sizes so they can be used in homes of all sizes.

2. Tankless Water Heaters

Another type of water heater is the tankless water heater. This type of water heater does not store hot water in a tank. Instead, it heats water on demand, so you will only use energy when you need hot water. Tankless water heaters are becoming increasingly popular because they are more efficient than storage water heaters.

3. Solar Water Heaters

Solar water heaters use the sun’s energy to heat water. They are a more environmentally friendly option than other types of water heaters and can save you money on your energy bills. However, solar water heaters require a sunny location and can be expensive to install.

4. Heat Pump Water Heaters

So, heat pump water heaters move heat from one place to another using electricity. This type of water heater is more efficient than other water heaters and can save you money on energy bills. However, heat pump water heaters require a well-insulated space and can be expensive to install.

Understanding a bit more about water heaters will allow you to choose the right one for your home and budget. And by taking good care of it, you can enjoy many years of hot water.

For more information, contact Raleigh’s most trusted plumber at

Plumbing Tips

Plumbing Tips — Do not leave for vacation until you perform these tasks

If you’re taking a vacation or traveling for the upcoming holidays, you should take some essential plumbing steps before leaving your home. Failing to do so could result in costly repairs or even water damage.

Plumbing Tips, Let’s check out these four things you should do before going on vacation or leaving for the upcoming holiday season.

1. Shut Off the Water Supply

Plumbing Tips

This is the most critical step to protect your home’s plumbing while away. By shutting off the water supply, you’ll prevent any leaks or flooding that could occur while you’re gone.

Start by finding your home’s main water shut-off valve to shut off the water supply. This is usually located near your water meter location or where the main water line enters your home. Once you’ve found the shut-off valve, turn it clockwise to close.

If you need help finding where your home’s main water shut-off valve is located, or if you think it would be challenging to find in an emergency, consider installing a shut-off valve at each of your home’s plumbing fixtures. That way, it will allow you to efficiently and quickly shut off the water supply to any institution that starts leaking while you’re away.

2. Drain the Water From Your Pipes

Another essential step to take before going on vacation is to drain the water from your pipes. This will help prevent your pipes from freezing and bursting while you’re gone.

To do this, start by turning on all the faucets in your home and flushing all the toilets. This will help get rid of any standing water in your pipes.

Once all the water has been flushed from your pipes, turn off the main water shut-off valve and open all the faucets again. This will allow any remaining water in your pipes to drain out.

3. Disconnect Your Water Heater

If you’ll be traveling away from your home or office for an extended period, disconnecting your water heater is also a good idea. This will help prevent it from overheating and potentially causing a fire while you’re away. To disconnect your water heater, start by turning off the power to the unit. The next step should be to turn off the water supply to the team and open the drain valve to allow any water inside the unit to drain.

Once all the water has been drained from your unit, you can disconnect the water and power lines. Be sure to label these lines, so you know where to reconnect them when you return home.

4. Have a Neighbor Check-In

Finally, having a neighbor or friend check in on your home while you’re away is always a good idea. They can keep an eye out for any signs of leaks or flooding and contact you if there’s an issue.

It’s also a good idea to leave them your contact information in an emergency. That way, they can reach you immediately if there’s a problem.

These simple steps can help protect your home’s plumbing while you’re away on vacation or traveling for the holidays. Be sure to take care of these things before you leave so you then, in turn, may relax and enjoy your time away without worry.

If you are still unsure, contact Raleigh’s most trusted plumber.