Avoid Water Back-Up and Frozen Pipes with Winter Plumbing Tips
Our next series featuring pointers to help you save will be getting you ready for the upcoming cold weather months. To begin, in this article, we will look at three major areas that could prove costly if not addressed or monitored in the winter months. Likewise, we will provide you simple Winter Plumbing Tips that will allow you to keep an eye on these areas and avoid unneeded spending and major damage.
Winter Plumbing Tips to Keep Water Warm and Wallets Closed!
Keeping an eye out to be sure your pilot light stays lit is always a smart move.
A common area causing issues as the temperatures dip below freezing is with your hot water system. Whether your hot water heater is tankless or the more conventional model, our Winter Plumbing Tips can help you to keep water temperatures up even when outdoor temperature plummet.
The first of our Winter Plumbing Tips regarding your water heater may seem obvious to read but could be easily overlooked. This is simply to monitor and be sure that the temperature is set and stays at a high enough setting. Continuing with the “obvious but important,” in our Winter Plumbing Tips, we move along to the pilot light.
This comes into play for those who have a gas water heater and simply stated, give a random check every so often, to be sure that it remains lit. The third of our Winter Plumbing Tips “around” the water heater is again a reminder. That reminder is to have your water heater serviced regularly, and having it serviced before the temperature drop in winter is recommended.
If you have kept up with these three simple Winter Plumbing Tips, and still are not getting adequate temperature or volume of water, it’s best to call the professionals. At this point, the Raleigh water heater experts at Poole’s Plumbing can advise or if needed rectify the issue.
Thawed and Flowing Pipes Equal Dry and Happy Homeowners
If you notice a restricted water flow, frozen pipes could be your issue.
The next of our Winter Plumbing Tips addresses the freezing of pipes in your house. This is a common issue that can prove messy and costly if not kept on top of. A combination of high water pressure from your main and the freezing winter temperatures are the cause of frozen pipes. As stated with the water heaters above, the key to avoiding an issue is all in awareness.
To be aware or monitor your pipes can be done by following the subsequent Winter Plumbing Tips. First, the most obvious way you may detect a frozen pipe is if you notice restricted water flow. Thus, once the temperature starts dropping in the upcoming weeks, keep an eye on this. In th case that you do feel a pipe may be frozen, the next of our Winter Plumbing Tips is another easy way to check.
If you do have reason to believe a pipe has become frozen, you may leave your tap open slightly. This will allow water flow and the movement helps to prevent freezing. If leaving the tap open is not an option, or if you try these Winter Plumbing Tips and freezing persists, you should first turn off the main water switch. Once the main is cut off, it then is time to call and let the Raleigh professional plumbers, Poole’s Plumbing step in and assist.
Checking the Hose Can Avoid Flooding and Woes
A frozen garden hose can lead to much bigger problems, including a pipe leaking or breaking.
One of the most catastrophic plumbing issues in the cold, or anytime, can be a water line leak or break. In the instance of either of these water line issues, severe damage and expense are sure to accompany. In a recurring theme, our Winter Plumbing Tips to avoid water line problems centers around awareness and monitoring the issue.
Perhaps surprisingly, a water line leak or break could stem from a frozen garden hose. How this can occur is when your hose connects to a spout when the temperatures reach freezing. If the hose still connects following the “freeze,” the ice inside the hose will gradually cause pressure to build up in your water lines. If this is not noticed and attended to, it will lead to a leak or break in your lines. Thus, when the severe cold is predicted, or even before, make sure all hoses and outdoor pipes are drained and the hoses are disconnected.
Winter Plumbing Tips : Insulate, Drain, and Keep Free to Avoid the Freeze
Keeping a “faucet jacket” or some type of cover on outdoor faucets can combat the cold.
Staying outdoors with our pointers, installing insulated faucet jackets to all outdoor faucets will help to combat freezing weather. Likewise, locating your shut-off valves and utilizing them to drain water from your pipes can avoid a potential freeze. (These valves are often located underneath sinks and alongside water heaters.)
Last of our Winter Plumbing Tips, is to recognize that water drainage can be restricted by snow on the ground. If snow accumulates in the area surrounding your sump pump discharge line it can lead to back-up or freezing issues. Thus, knowing where this line is located and keeping it free of snow can save from a plumbing disaster.
When is it time to call the pros at Poole’s Plumbing?
You may follow these Winter Plumbing Tips and monitor each of these areas, yet still feel there is a problem. If this occurs, its time to call the pros. The most trusted name in Raleigh area plumbing, Poole’s Plumbing can both advise and rectify any plumbing issue. This includes during the cold winter months when freezing, cracking, and other disasters occur. To contact the experts at Poole’s, visit poolesplumbing.com.