Drip, Drip, Drip: What Could Be the Causes of a Leaky Faucet
Following up on our promise in the last blog entry, we continue where we left off with those pesky leaks. We shift our focus though in this second of two articles on bathroom leaks. Here we move over from the toilet and put our focus on the possible Causes of a Leaky Faucet.
Similarly, to noticing a toilet leak, there are some sure-fire signs that your faucet has a leak. The obvious sign is that non-stop, annoying drip that we all are familiar with. Once it starts will want nothing more than to figure the Causes of a Leaky Faucet, first. Not only because of that pesky noise but if left for too long, that drip can lead to some major issues. Then as quickly as you can you will want to say goodbye to the drip and hello to a non- leaky faucet.
Causes of a Leaky Faucet? Let’s Start with Worn or Damaged Parts
Old, loose, or cracked pipes could be the root of your leaky faucet issue.
So, that steady drip is just about loud enough to drive you nuts! Before you completely lose it and tear the sink clean from the wall, let’s take a look at possible Causes of a Leaky Faucet.
To start, the most common of Causes of a Leaky Faucet is where we look. This is with the washer in your faucet. If this proves to be the issue, a simple replacement may be a quick fix. But, in the case that you have a compression faucet, the damage may also lie in the faucet’s seals.
If there is seal damage, this could account for the drip as the purpose of them is to hold back water pressure while the faucet is off. Lastly, another possibility his area would be in the case that you have a cartridge-type faucet. If this is the case, either the cartridge itself or its “moving parts” may need replacing. To be more specific, the moving parts are O-rings and inlet/outlet seals.
Could High Water Pressure Be One of the Causes of a Leaky Faucet?
To simply answer the above subheading, yes, high water pressure certainly could. If we discover this is the Causes of a Leaky Faucet, it will initially be noticeable as a problem when no other plumbing fixtures or faucets are being used throughout your home.
The high-water pressure can cause small leaks to form in the faucet. This small issue becomes larger as it leads to little pinhole like leaks in your pipes. Obviously, you can see as this stays unattended how it would continue to “snowball” into bigger holes and bigger problems. If our Causes of a Leaky faucet are suspected to be due to water pressure, it is best to call in a professional. This way one of Poole’s Plumbing’s experts can evaluate and if needed restore to the correct pressure.
Loose or Cracked Pipes Could Be Hiding Behind Your Leak
Another possibility on our growing list of Causes of a Leaky Faucet is cracked or loose plumbing. Let’s say you notice a slow, yet steady leak with your faucet. Once you’ve identified this, immediately check the pipes under the sink with the leaky faucet.
If upon inspecting, you see a crack, hole, or loose-fitting, you know this is what is causing the leak. But just because you don’t see any of these things directly under the sink, don’t dismiss the pipes as a possibility. Actually, you will want to call your friends at Poole’s Plumbing in this case. This is because there is a good chance the cracked pipe or loose-fitting is behind the wall. A professional from Poole’s can inspect and give you a definitive answer as to the source of the problem.
If in Doubt, Don’t Mess About. Call in the Pros!
Regardless of what is the Causes of a Leaky Faucet , the solution is the same. Get it fixed as soon as you possibly can to avoid a serious plumbing disaster. If you need your leaky faucet tended to or any other plumbing work done, contact Raleigh’s number one name in plumbing at poolesplumbing.com.